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Making a trip in the morning. Reading the proclamation tonight and cannot figure out how many poles you can fish with? I havent fished there in a few years, but remember that it is one hook per line, artificial and barbless. Anyone know for sure??

thanks in advance...

According to this....ONE. Two fish limit and over 20". Artificial, no smell and barbless.
Not sure how that works Ice Fishing, but people catch fish.
The way I read it , one pole any time . Curt G.
I know that in the past during soft water, people were two roding it, but that like says ONE ice fishing.
Now I have to do some more reading as I was going to splurge this year and buy the second rod permit.
Okay, reading the Idaho Proc. It states two pole/rod permits. But, non of the lakes say anything about it.
I am thinking Daniels IS two Pole/Rob on soft water because it is one of the ONLY ones that makes mention of ONE ICE POLE. Like special ruling.
There is nothing no where that I can find that says you can't use two when the ice is gone.
1 pole barbless no bait ,cheese, worms, smell . All natural
We got that but it says ICE, why would they put the ICE in there. Sounds like it is the two except ICE.
Logan boys always had two, remember.
Your right one pole while ice fishing . Why ? How come two in open water and one through the ice ? I also think if everyone can have five rods while ice fishing other waters , if you have a two pole permit you should be able to use one more rod than a person that don't have a two pole permit .
Okay, see what you are saying, but five would drive me crazy as it is....LOL
Like I said, I am going the extra permit this year. What is another $13+ on top the $98 for the license and $20 for my boat. Oh and we have to times that by two....hubby you know.

So how was your fishing trip to Daniels?
Sorry forgot to put up my report. 3 of us showed up at dark thirty and setup near the dam. Setup in 37 feet of water and no luck. 15 minutes later I started drilling holes towards the bank. Setup in 14, 19 and 25 foot of water. Fish on about 5 minutes later and caught fish all morning until about 1100am. Setup the tents and started site there are some monsters down there. Caught around 20-25 between all of us, biggest at 19.5". Left about 1 and there was about 20-30 people on the ice but mostly on the other side of the lake.

Decided to head back out the next morning, Sunday. Went with someone that knew the lake "real well". Walked out from the marina and setup in about 32 feet of water, no bites so I started drilling holes towards the bank! Set up in about 14-17 foot of water. Same lures as the day before but the fishing was alot slower. Between the 4 of us, probably caught about 12-15 with the biggest at about 19".

Won $40 bucks on my 2 dollar scratch off so it wasnt that bad of a weekend.
Thanks for all of the info on the lake....
I don't ice, but 20' has always been my mark for the D

So, what did you use out of curiosity?
[quote flygoddess]I don't ice, [/quote]

Yet! I have seen a few of your posts in other areas FG. The bug is gettingt to ya. It won't be long now before we hear about your first ice fishing trip. [Wink]
Don't get me wrong...6" or better of ice and I would try it in a heart beat. I like to fish!
But alas, I found a nice little spot on a river that has cured whatever is bothering me. It is sooooo peaceful and a very nice walk.
Thanks for the report. Sounds like a good time. I am glad u won some money on the lotto, cuz I sure the hell never do. I have always had good luck at Daniels and can't wait to get up there. I just hope the dang wind isn't blowing, like it usually is!! Glad to hear you caught some by the Dam, this is one area that I have never had much success. It defininately gets a lot less pressure, so it should be better.


Ice is 12" solid. No worries on the that. The edges are strong and there were wheelers and snowmobiles on the ice. We were using white tube jigs, chartruese paddle bugs and some hand tied flies.
Here's my take on the two pole permit, multiple rod issue:

I would guess that it states only 1 rod when ice fishing because most places allow 5.

There is a recent ask fish and game listing in their news releases asking if a two pole permit allows 10 rods on a 5 rod reservoir. The answer was no.

I'm not 100% certain whether or not a two pole permit allows two rods while ice fishing on Daniels, but I highly doubt it. I also highly doubt that a two pole permit allows two rods on the soft water there.

However, I would think that if you could fish the soft water with 2 rods on a two pole permit, than certainly you would be able to on the ice as well. Because they always seem to allow more rods when ice fishing than on soft water, regardless of what permits/validations you have purchased.

But I have been wrong before.
That one is questionable for sure. I have to wonder why they put the word "ICE" in other than that was the only exception.
And like I said, there is some gentlemen that fish Daniels allot and they use two rods.
Granted they look like a bird trying to take off when the fish are on.

I am just saying, they went out of their way to print ONE ROD ON ICE because you don't need a permit to fish five on other waters.
And I will venture to say if you have two rod permit, I am betting you could fish two at Daniels.
They are really two different rules entirely.

The fact it isn't written this way, I would think it to be legal in any court.
Agreed. This is something that we are definately going to have to find some difinitive answers for. I did buy a two pole permit in Idaho once for the sole purpose of ice fishing with 2 rods at Daniels (okay, maybe to fish a second pole ice fishing at Bear Lake as well [Wink]). But I never tried it cuz I was never fully confident that it was legal. Now I just buy my 2nd pole permit for Utah, it's nice for trolling at Willard and Porcupine. . . and Bear Lake ice if we are lucky enough to get it.
Well one thing we do know for certain Got Bait is that you can't fish two poles through the ice at Daniels! Remember a few years back when that one guy got caught using two poles and they took him to the Malad city Jail? I am also pretty positve that the sign in the Parking lot at Daniels states the regulations also states that you can only use one pole. This sign is up year round so I really don't think a trophy Managed place like Daniels would ever let you use two poles, ice or soft water. Like GB said I also have been wrong, but those F&G officers in Malad don't put up with any nonsense!! Anyway who the heck needs 2 poles at Daniels anyway?!