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Who on BFT is entered in the derby? Me, Wild Bill, and DaBomb will be there. Like to wish everybody good luck. Could buy a lot of tackle with that number one fish LOL. [Wink]
I'm in!!
I'm in for the third year in a row. No money yet, maybe this year. Good luck to all.
Myself, Widastick, and The Wisteron will all be there. We are all really excited. It will be year number 3 for myself and Widastick and the first for The Wisteron. No money fish yet. Hopefully this year!
I'm in again, my 3rd year at the big event. Won 3rd place in 2008 but had to split it with 3 other guy's but it was still over 500 dollars. Sure makes for a fun day of fishing when you get to take home a little more than you came with.[Wink]
I will be there -- first time. I am hoping for beginners luck.
i will be there with some friends and family.
Sounds like all of us so called utards could make a dent on their party. First time for us too. The old sulpher creek derby got to be a joke after the first couple years. I'll be flying my BFT flag don't be afraid to introduce yourself, stop by and say hello. Of course when the times up we'll have a job to do for seven hours. ( Catch Fish Like Hell ) Maybe some body could answer me a question. Do they try to get to you to measure your fish so you can turn them loose a live. Do we gets hats or flags or something to get there attention. I was wondering if us BFT members wanted to pack radios? Maybe a designated channel you know so we can whisper tips ha ha LOL.
I will be there as well. along with iceguy and another friend. 2nd yr for us. This derby was well ran last time I was there. They do a heck of a job..

GL all
I will be there as well.... 2nd year for me, hoping to get in the $$
Hey Pikeman,

Basically.... when you get there you have to check in. They will have an RV set up on the dam (Headquarters). There... you will register and they give you a florescent orange or yellow beanie with a number on it. That is how they keep track of you. Then at 8 O'clock sharp they shoot the flare off....... Everyone starts their augers.... or if you have a hand auger start drilling. It's damn funny stuff to hear that for the first time. Anyway, All of the judges are on radios. Be sure to ask them what channel they will be on when you check in. That way you can hear what the big fish of the hour is. Then if you catch one that is 16 inches... .but you know there has already been one caught that hour that is 16.5 inches... you can release it. Because if you have one that qualifies..... it's yours to keep. Oh yeah.... when you catch one that qualifies.... you waive your florescent beanie in the air and the judges on the snowmobiles will come measure your fish and call it in to HQ.

Last year I dropped my stinkin' radio in my ice hole around 11 O'clock.... that was a bummer.

Maybe we'll see you up there.... but don't expect much talkin' between 8am and 3pm [Wink]

Good luck!
I think your dang radio scared all the fish because I suck in these tourny's. But I still love it. 0 and 5 in my life on tournys. maybe this year my luck will change. C-you all out there.
Widastick..... this year our luck will change. [Wink] Yeah.... the radio at the bottom of the lake probably didn't help our efforts at all. I'll be sure to tie it off this year.

Pikeman........ Also.... I believe the limit on Devils Creek is 6 trout. Once you have kept 6.... your tourney is over. So depending on how many fish you catch.... you may have to be a little selective on size.
I will be their as well its my first time going with some friends that went last year does the first fish of the day get any money just a question but ill be up their with four other people should se a hell of a time to bad you cant drink that sucks

You don't have to keep the fish that you register for the tournament. Last year I caught several that I had measured and then released. As long as the officials get to you fast enough. Last year I had an official there to measure mine within 30 seconds. That way you don't have to worry about having your limit and being done.


You're right.... I guess if they get to you quick enough then you can release the fish. Not sure what the survival rate is of a trout that has been out of the water for a few minutes.... but to each his own. Good luck to everyone that goes. It's a great tourney!
Where is Devils creek at? if its not to far i would like to enter and where do i get info to enter
Its been full for weeks , only 150 contestants . It is on top of the Malad Pass in Idaho . Curt G.