If you have caught a brown or perch out of DC in the last few months or year, please let me know what part of the lake you were fishing? PM me if you would like. Thanks.
The last brown I took out of DC was a year ago april. caught near the bottom on a jig tipped with perch meat fishing in the Wallsburg arm.
Thanks for replying! You had to say the Wallsburg arm. I have sworn that place off and hope to never fish it again.
i had no idea there were even browns in DC. THe last perch I caught out of there was in the summer on the north west side of the island in about 18 feet of water. They were in a very small very tight school and you had to place your offering just right or they wouldn't even look at you[crazy]. hope this helps.
ive caught many a brown at dc. some very big browns call it home for 10 months a yr. the other 2 they are spawning up river. most in spring some durring summer as well. at ice off use cd # 9 in black and gold from shore around the island. if you want to how to present it pm me. its not cast and real.[
I caught an 18" Brown thru the ice Jan. 7th, on the
Charleston end of the lake. We caught several perch last summer, in the Wallsburg arm.
Caught some perch in rainbow bay this week. Not many. And I've caught lots of browns in deer creek. Almost any day we troll for the bows we pick up a bonus or two of browns. There are some big ones in there. We've caught them in the 20 inch range but there has got to be much larger with all the planter bows they have to eat.
This made me think back to when I first met my girlfriend and now wife...we were fishing as close to the dam as we could get and I caught several nice browns on a lure that looked like a folded piece of gold painted metal with red dots on it???. I looked through my old printed pictures and found them, I was in pretty good shape then [crazy][:/]. I would let it fall to the bottom and then reel it in along the steep bank but that was 10 years ago...I feel old now.
That lure sounds one called Super Duper . They work real well at Yellowstone Lake .
you sure it wasnt a jakes.
I caught a brown this past Wednesday in 52 feet of water east of the Island. I was using a perch colored jigging spoon w/perch meat.
If you want to take a look, I have a picture of it in the ice fishing contest.
Btw you have some nice looking and BIG fish in your entries.
Sounds like a Jake's Spin a Lure.
I first found them in Jellystone Park fishing at the Jellystone Lake.
Got a 18 1/2" Brown and a 12" Perch last Sunday at Rainbow Bay at DC.
FYI, brown trout spawn in the fall, not the spring.