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42ft. Charterboat for sale. Appraised recently at $65,000 but price is very negotiable. Boat is in VERY GOOD shape! Cedar over oak construction with West Epoxy Glass over hull. New Horizon 900 Windlass; New LexSan head treatment; VHF; CB; Furuno 24-mile Radar; Magellan GPS Plotter; C-Map; Furuno Color Sounder; Furuno LP1000 Loran Plotter; AutoPilot; Rebuilt 8.2 Detroit Diesel. Have extra 8.2 Detroit diesel for sale also. *Boat can be seen on website at: Call Capt. Dave at 410-397-3743 or email: to Make Offer.<br><br>
Hello Sawyer,<br>I would definetly put this ad in the classified ads! You will probably get some great responce, give it a try.<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF="http:// " target="_new">http:// </A> <br><br>Mike H