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When you are fishing on the hard deck, how close do you fish to someone else? This would be someone who isn't your buddy or anything. I thought I was going to lose my mind yesterday. dr. veha and I figured yesterday might not be too crowded since not everyone gets the day off. We were encroached upon by a group with kids. They thought it was cool to walk through our gear, examine our catch, etc. They were also using fishing implements that appeared to be illegal. I doubt any one of them had a fishing license. I have the DWR poaching number in my phone now and will call next time. I digress...
We fished next to someone early in the morning but dr. veha asked this guy if he would mind. He did not and pointed to where he would like us to fish. I rarely if ever do this but apparently the doc had showed him how to catch fish through the ice on Saturday so he was glad to have us fish by him. Then we were encroached upon by the poachers. They also thought it would be ok to leave their trash all over the place and one of their kids took one of my fish.
Sorry. This is turning into a rant. I really wanted to see what others do as far as fishing in a crowded area. I'm sure most of us will typically stay away from the crowds but what do you do when you get crowded upon?[mad]
Next time when they move in on you, just ask them if they want to fish in the same hole with you. That will typically get your point across. As for the fish, I would have made that known to one of the adults in the group. No excuse for that.
wear a wet suit! if they dont care/listen to you, start pounding holes in the ice and scream like a mad man you are taking them down! don your scuba gear and light a stck you found on shore, on fire. that usually gets them to leave
That should do it. Crazy fat guy in a wet suit...I like it. It will probably be my last resort. [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
[quote kochanut]wear a wet suit! if they dont care/listen to you, start pounding holes in the ice and scream like a mad man you are taking them down! don your scuba gear and light a stck you found on shore, on fire. that usually gets them to leave[/quote]

Best ice fishing tip so far this season.
some people just dont have a clue we need to go back to the old west rules and just shootem
I normally and purposely choose areas that appear to be less popular for one reason or another so someone would have to go out of their way to fish next to me. If I go to a group of ice anglers, I do so only to see/ask how the catching is going. Then I usually move off at least 40 feet or more before I start fishing. I know they aren't likely sitting on the only fish in the area and I don't want to compete for their fish anyway.
Since I was there, I will add what I should have done differently.

First, I should have called *DEER on Monday. I had the number even if wagdog didn't.

Second, I should have been more selective about who I help. These "poachers" were there on Saturday, when I was there too. They saw my catch and also saw me catching fish on both rods while they were not getting bites. (This was also the group I wrote about in a different pump house thread. The ones with the chainsaw and ax, trying to open new holes.) Any ways, one of them asked me what I was using, so I showed him my container of wax worms and gave him one waxie. I thought I was being a nice guy. Many people helped me this year, since I am new to the hard deck. I have also helped several people catch fish at the pump house this year. I even showed Ryan (the guy we fished with on Monday) as he was leaving on Saturday how I was rigged.

Long story short, the guy I gave the wax worm to, caught 3 fish right away and then bolted to Wal-mart for more. (I saw him returning when I was at the parking lot.) And on Monday, the group of three ending up being a group of 8 or so. And the guy was now using three home made "tip ups", which was an obvious violation.

The point is that I should have been selective on who I help. I don't want to be labeled as a racist or anything of that type, but if someone doesn't speak English and wants my dink bluegills that I am throwing back, I will no longer be as helpful. I will still help those who fish for fun or fishing for the first time, meaning kids.

Lastly, this whole experience has made me think about hot spotting....and how much detail is too much, both online and on the water/ice.
You cannot legally give those "dink" bluegills to anyone while you are fishing.

From the 2010 Utah Fishing Guide:

Disposal of aquatic wildlife
Utah Code § 23-20-9
The following are the only places where you may donate or give protected aquatic wildlife or its parts to another person:
• The residence of the donor • The residence of the recipient • A meat locker • A storage plant • A meat-processing facility
You may not donate fish in the field.
A written statement of donation must be kept with the protected aquatic wildlife or parts that includes all of the following information:
• The number and species of protected aquatic wildlife or parts donated
• The date of donation • The license or permit number of the donor • The signature of the donor
You guys just have to chalk this up to a lesson learned. If you go back in the archives you'll see there was pretty much the same problems at the pumphouse last winter, just different new BFT guys posting the reports. That's no slam on you guys. People on this board like to downplay the hotspotting thing, but as you have learned first hand news travels fast. Put up a post that you caught 100 12" white bass at AF harbor and see how many people show up the next couple of days.[Wink]
I did in the past, do currently and will continue to give aid to anybody that comes up to me on the ice and asks advice. I'll show them what I'm using, give them a few of my jigs and tips, especially if they have kids or just simply don't know what they are doing. I don't mind if they ask questions and may even let the kids ride my sled around. That being said.

For those that intervene in my fishing affairs without saying boo, buck or screw you, I found the most effective method of ridding my fishing nirrvana of their pestilence is:

Walk over and say "Hey aren't you guys a little close?" If that gets no response, I walk over to their hole, drop my draws, and send them a big steamer right down the pipe. If that fails I just sic Fackin Dave and the Big Papa on them.

For those that doupt me, watch the "Fishing at Bare Lake" video posted on here several years ago.


There is no cold, only lack of heat.
[quote Fishrmn]You cannot legally give those "dink" bluegills to anyone while you are fishing.[/quote]

You learn something new everyday. Thanks. I will be more than happy to comply from now on. Who knew that bluegills would be considered a "protected aquatic wildlife", but I guess that is why they have limits, rules, etc.
[quote IceFishingGod]I walk over to their hole, drop my draws, and send them a big steamer right down the pipe. [/quote]

Is that considered chumming?
+1 If I am getting smothered its not to hard to let the leash go. If someone else doesnt have the common courtesy why should I worry about my dogs tangling up their lines and sniffing whatever they find smell worthy. Doing your business in their hole is also a pretty good idea too. IF I could only train my dogs to do that so I dont have a chance of getting an indecent exposure ticket. hahahahaha
I was fishing with 3 of my buds at S. Buckboard on FG on Sat. the 16th. They left around 4 pm and stayed to fish in the early evening. As I was fishing I saw a group of six coming off the ice. When they gat close to me, I hooked about a 4# mack and put it back. Well these fellas noticed and proceeded to drill holes within 60' of mine. One of my partners caught a few fish and gutted them on the ice by his hole. Well one of these great sportsman noticed these guts and decided to fish this hole, less than 30' from me. Still nothing said between us. I was seeing lots of fish on the finder,but couldn't get any more hits. The youngest of this group of sportsman decided to unload a side by side a drive around, he stayed on the bank for about 15 minutes driving thru the desert and having fun, then decided to drive on to the ice, not a fish on the finder for a good 15 to 20 minutes after that. Soon a ling fisherman showed up and set up near the shore, I moved in myself to set up for ling a little later. This ling fisherman started hooking up some slimers, guess who decided to move in. This slimer fisherman was a very patient fella with these "sportsman", as he showed them how to use there fish finder, catch ling, etc. I was so frustrated with these fellas at first, maybe they had no idea on giving others some space.
IFG is not shittin' you either. I was there that infamous day on BARE Lake. Way, way, funny. The Southern Bass Mafia never did top that one! LOL
"Encroached upon" means a lot of different things to different people, I have learned.

For some fisherman, encroachment means simply being able to see you (within miles of them) on a lake such as Strawberry. However, I fish where I know I have caught fish before, based on structure and my gps coordinates. That may mean I may get within 75 feet of you, but I prefer to be as far away as possible (miles).

I have had many trips when we have been catching fish and people slowly start drilling holes closer to us until they get about 30 feet away. They usually never catch any more fish either, which is hilarious.

One time ice fishing, an older man saw our success, came right up to us and said, This looks like a good place to fish, and began to drill a hole 5 feet from one of our active holes!!! We couldn't believe it!! Yes, 5 feet!!! We decided to simply move on.

I love the people that come and take over the holes they watched me drill and left 30 feet away, but not currently fishing. If I drilled it and I am over 100 feet away, however, I could care less (as I drill a lot of holes on good-weather days).

A couple of years ago, a non-fishing, out of state couple and their daughter came out on the ice (drove past the state park, wondered what was happening on the ice and came for a look). They wandered over to us, as we were catching fish. We discussed with them the sport. The little girl (about 6 yrs old) asked if she could catch a fish. I said, "Sure!" After hooking one, I helped reel it in. She asked if she could take it home. I said, "Of course, it's your fish!" with a Smile on my face. Well, a disgruntled, slow-moving encroacher (as explained earlier), was rather upset. He came over and started blasting his pie hole about how she couldn't take the fish, as it was an illegal donation of wildlife. He argued that it wasn't her rod, and I helped her reel it in, even though she hooked it and it was her first time ever fishing. What a complete A__hole jerk!! He mentioned that he was on some type of wildlife board in central or N. Utah, in a way to try to convince us of him being right. After a big argument, the girl ended up going home dissapointed, and without her fish. (We are not the type to get in a yelling match, etc.) What a great first-time fishing experience this encroacher left upon the poor 6 yr old girl. As of note, none of us were near our limit, as we rarely keep fish (and would end the fishing day too early). So thinking we were donating to free up our limit was out of the question.

I wouldn't be surprised if incidents similar to this are partially responsible for that rule being put in the book. I doubt a similar experience will ever happen again to me, but maybe to one of you. In the future, say, "Sorry kid, this is my rod. You can't fish with it. If you caught a fish with it, it would be my fish. Go get your own rod. When you do, I can't help you reel in a fish or it is an illegal wildlife donation. If you can't do it yourself, tough luck." What do you think?
ben there done sucks...remember one thing..this only happens to those of us who are catching fish..seems to draw the idiots..take it as a compliment[Smile]
If you see me out there, come over drill some holes and lets fish... there is nothing im doing thats TOP secret !!![sly]