Fishing Forum

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Hi everyone sorry it's been a long time since I posted or said Hi. I had a lot of crap that has gone on the last 9 months and no not a baby. All I will say is that I am now a single father. Anyways I hope everyone's spring fishing summer fishing fall fishing and ice fishing has been wonderful. I think I will selling off most of my fishing gear here so if anyone wants a pontoon or float tube 4 man ice shanty you name it I think I will be getting rid of most if not all.
Have fun [Wink]
you gotta keep some to take the kid. good luck and get back on the water
Hold on to your stuff.. There is life after the BIG "D". I know by experence. x2....Fishing and the great outdoor is what holds our whole universe together. Keeps our minds sound. Hang in there man.[fishin] You know what they say about fish in the sea...[cool]
the first marriage is only practice, the second one counts!