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So I went over to my brother in laws tonight and helped him eat a bunch of perch he caught at DC. (Yeah I should have gone with him on Saturday, instead of going to East Canyon) But, anywho, I forgot how dang tasty those little babies are. I am assuming that blue gill would be a similar tasty fish?

My brother and I are now planning a trip to Pelican Lake, then staying over night and going to Stawberry on the way home the next day. My problem is I have not fished Pelican Lake since I was 7, and I don't remember what we used 21 years ago.

Is the fishing there still any good? Where do you go? And what are the best jigs? (Please feel free to PM me if you don't want to share too much info on the public forum. I will keep the secrets off the net.)

Thanks for any help.
I havent fished it this year but last year I did well using the typical ice fishing rigs. Used both small tube jigs and ice flies under a flasher. The bites were very light and I had to resort to using a float to detect the bites which sometimes would be no more than the bobber moving sideways 1/4 of an inch as the fish took the bait while moving up. I tipped with a small piece of night crawler or wax worm. Caught a bunch of nice gills and an occasional bass. I am hoping to make it down in february so let me know how you do and good luck.
I was up there three weeks ago and yes, the bluegill are plentiful and easy to come by. You should have a bucketful if you spend the entire day there. The do bite light so I would suggest a spring bobber. I was using a small green colored ice fly tipped with a wax worm and hooked fish pretty consistently. And they are indeed very tasty!!!

Chad Miller
Yellow jig head covered with a chunk of powerbait.

Don't laugh, just keep reeling in your bass.
Ice was about 17" or so last weekend. I've been there several times this year and have always caught fish but it's been slower and we've had to move more to find fish. The size has been down a bit too. Haven't iced many over 8" yet but still good enough sized to fillet.
And, yes, bluegill are ALMOST as tasty as perch.