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Full Version: Week #2 of getting skunked (Ririe)
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Last wed. and now this wed...trying to target the kokanee and it's just not happening. I was just about in the middle of the res. sitting above a depth of 107 feet with my jigs sitting at 25 to 30 feet. Fish finder was showing a little action at 100+ feet but that was probably perch...Going to give it another try thurs. but in much shallower depth...we'll see how that goes..
I know how you feel. I have fished ririe 4 times so far and only had one good day. First two times fished all day nothing. Next time fished tell 3:30 caught 8 Kokanee in the last 30 min about 5' under the ice. Today fished tell 3:30 caught 1 perch. I have fished anywhere from 25' to 110'. I wish I could figure this place out so I could catch fish consistently. I guess I will have to keep going tell I figure it out.
PERCH AT 100 FT!!!!
Man that is deep, do you ever catch those perch at that depth??? If you do catch them what kind of baits do you all use????
I feel for you. Last year everyone was reporting great days and I managed to catch 1 (as in single, numero uno, less than 2!) Koke for the entire freaking SEASON!!! Talk about frustrating. Keep at it I guess. If you figure out the secret let me know.
I have never caught perch at 100'. I have been looking for the kokanee. The perch I caught to day was in 26 fow.
SHALLOW PERCH: Yea, I thought that too deep for perch, I thought you might be fishing for Lake Trout or something....
you can add me to the list of the "non educated koke killers"[frown]...I can find the perch, trout, suckers-even a bass or two but the kokes don't like my line! no problem catching them off the ice but can't land one on the hard deck!
dont forget there are walleye there now. they are more likley to be at 100ft then perch. also splake!
Today was my 8th time fishing ririe 1/20/10, and today was absolutely the slowest day I have ever had out there from 7:30 until 2:00 pm i landed 3, this is the first of 8 trips that i didnt limit, and wasnt home by noon. The fish today were suspended at 40 feet, and jumped all the way to 60 we had one large school come in at ten feet and out of the group of 15 i seen 5 pulled on the ice.. If im out there come say hello I have the newer green suzuki four wheeler with the snow plow on it... if you need some help on locations, koke setups pretty typical shoot me a PM. Also 2 of my buddies who fish it every day, the one with the campers out there said the last three days have been very slow yesterday 1/19/10 they caught 8 kokes in 10 hours of fishing...
I went on Wednesday. I don't know if anyone saw me out there but I was having a heck of a time - I forgot my sled and my auger blade got bent somehow. I had to beat holes in previous holes with a rock, no kidding. I haven't tried fishing the middle of the lake yet this year, but I've been doing pretty good around the banks. I went out to the line on the opposite bank from the boat dock near some shallower platforms and didn't do any good at all. After moving around and trying 10 different holes with NO luck I traded sides of the reservoir.
I walked directly across the lake from where I was a did great after searching a little. The fish are VERY grouped up and it's all or nothing. I pounded a total of 20 holes on Wednesday and caught all my fish through 3 of them - 7 perch 2 koke 3 trout and 1 huge sucker. From previous visits I seem to do better about 20-50 feet from the bank near rocky outcroppings and in small nooks. Try fishing in about 20 fow right at the bottom or slightly above (less that 2 feet above the bottom). Believe it or not that's where I caught even the kokes. The perch action was hot and I missed at least twice as many fish as I caught, but you definitely need to be running spring bobbers to see the bites.
Pounded 20 holes?? Thats a lot of pounding[Image: happy.gif] If I would of seen you I would of offered up my auger. I was out there again today (Thurs.). I was about 150 yards or so straight down from the boat ramp. The depth there was 57 feet...I can count on one hand how many fish I had on my action at this rate my puck of meal worms are going to last the whole season!!
I'm thinking about heading out on either Friday or Saturday. I'll be fishing just off the first major rock outcropping above the boat ramp, probably about 20 feet from the shore. If you feel like hitting some perch come say hi! I think most of the lake was laughing at me Wednesday from all the pounding. My shoulders are still recovering.
I did not know there was walleye and splake in Ririe. Has anyone herd of anyone catching any of them? When did they plant them?
walleye were planted by a bucket biologist and game have trapped some in the 20 inch range. and the splake were planted by f&g the state record was caught at ririe
Thanks for the offer but it's back to work for another 4 won't be until tues. that I'll be able to hit it again...let us all know how you did.
Talking about splake I had a real fluke there a few seasons ago. I got a 21" three a half pound splake through the ice right beside the dam. Talk about a funky looking fish. Still on the search for a walleye. I'd really be interested if anyone knows where or how to catch one on ririe
I'll be up there tomorow. We plan on starting out near the ramp and if it doesn't produce we will move near the dam. Depending on the weather we may have two blue comand posts set up. Come say hi if you are up there. Its been a fairly slow season for us so far, our first trip we did really good and since then we've gotten into the fish but they don't seem to want to hang around long or bite very good. We have marked some huge schools on the finder so I know there are plenty of fish out there.
About the only way to catch walleye through the ice is with live minnows, so if you get a walleye you should feel pretty lucky. I wouldn't waste any time trying to catch a walleye during ice fishing season unless you want to break the law and try live minnows which I highly recommned not doing.
Fished Ririe from 7 til 11. Not a single bite [mad]. We fished by the ramp and then also near the dam. Only saw two small schools come under the finder and they were around 50' and wouldn't bite anything. Talked to several other groups and nobody had caught a single koke all morning. I wonder were all the Kokes have gone. [mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad][mad]. I might have to try PalliSades, has anybody heard any reports from there?
Hey Jared, welcome to the forum! Glad to see you are posting.