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Full Version: Bass anyone???
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Has anyone gotten into any bass on the ice this winter? Anyone caught any at Hyrum or Mantua? In years past I would get one or two everytime I hit Mantua but haven't gotten even one all season. Wondering if anyone else is having any luck with them and if so if they have any suggestions for me that won't give away any precious secrets?! I know it is harder to get these bad boys this time of year but they are tons of fun!
I have caught bass consistantly at Pelican this year. Frankly, that is the only lake I have targeted bass at.
Caught my only bass through the ice at Pelican. Was a pretty fun trip!
[font "Courier New"][#000050][size 3]As you said, it might be the time of year. But in spring (April/May), East Canyon had quite a few bass. And in September, Newton had lots. Maybe you could try those places? During soft water they were near the shore, so I don't know if they go more to the middle of the lake when there's ice. A more experienced fisherman could probably clarify that.
Just figured I'd suggest locations that I know at least HAS bass to be caught!
I havent been to hyrum or mantua but went to Pelican lake a few times this year and a caught alot of bluegills and some bass to. It was some great fishing each trip out this year and bass each time.