Back from two weeks in Belize, cold front came through and pushed the Bonefish off the flats for awhile, I managed to score a few and had a shot at some Permit (no hookups) those are some spooky fish. Did manage a few small Tarpon, oh well head back next year.Back to the cold rivers of Utah for now.
i vote we delete this post and ban your account now!
Jealousy rears it's ugly head!!![sly], Lot's of fun and ton's of flats fishing. Need to con Tarpon Jim into a trip on his flats boats instead of his drift boat[angelic]
Any pics of the Tarpon?
No, sorry. They were just babies.
[quote remo_5_0]No, sorry. They were just babies.[/quote]
Those are my favorite kind! 10-20 pounds is perfect, and the little 5 pounders can be fun too.
They weren't smaller than those bottom-sucking, sucker-lipped bones, were they?[

] [

Glad you got to thaw out at least though! [cool][cool]
remo, you so suck! Just kidding. Always love your pictures, I just want your job so I can do all that.
Yea, those fish are super, and the fact you are wading in that beautiful water and sandy shores IN shorts and T-Shirt, I got to say, I like the snow, the icy clean water, the crisp air........Yeah right![mad]
But it does give us something to look forward to.
Thanks Remo....glad you had a great trip and back safe.
They were Babies Jim, I wish they were 5 lbs. Just little minature Tarpon, but fun none the less, just not picture worthy.
[quote kochanut]i vote we delete this post and ban your account now![/quote]
No we should let him off easy- say wear the same outfit and go wading in Seedskadee one morning[shocked].
Thanks for the pics. Got me psyched for my annual everglades backcountry trip with my son in 12 days. Not that I'm counting the days until we leave this frozen tundra or anything. Not to hijack the thread but I'm hitting a new area for us- Cape Sable/ Lake Ingram and the nearby creeks. Jim or anyone else who was been and have any suggestions on the fish to target and what to use I'm all ears.
I've camped on the beach at the Cape with Chuck Wright a couple times while getting taxied around in a kayak. Fished some creeks that flowed into Ingram, indirectly, and kayaked up the creeks that flow into the gulf south of Cape Sable. Good snook fishing and some tarpon on one trip that was in March and somewhat warm. Not so good on the other in Feb. when we were sitting around a campfire at night with a jacket to keep warm.
I assume you've heard about the massive fish kill? It got really cold, with water temps into the high 40's, and dead snook everywhere, with lots of other species too. They're not all dead, but check out some of the forums for down there, or make some calls. Its not unfishable or anything, but sounds like the worst kill in over 20 years.
Cape Sable is great. Never made too many casts in Lake Ingram, but as I said, I liked the creeks. Any chance you can get into Whitewater Bay? That will have big tarpon when/if it ever warms up. Look for Bob Lemay's posts.
Fish the standard Glades stuff for snook. Plastics! White and Root Beer. EP flies and Clousers. Dark Toad flies for Tarpon. Outgoing currents were best for me. End of outgoing brings more fish out of the mangroves. Redfish too. Baby tarpon at creek mouths mostly, and only if it warms up considrably. Otherwise, they're WAY back in there upon returning from safe refuge at sea from the cold.
You've been there, so it shouldn't be a problem. As you know, its ALL ABOUT temperature and winds in the winter months. The warmer and calmer, the better. Tropical fish need it hot! I was actually kinda glad I wasn't down there for the last month or so. However, I'm missing it again now, and will need a "fix" pretty quick.
Yeah, a little hijack, so sue me! Its still a tropical theme![cool]
Thanks for the info. Too bad about the die off but my son isn't too picky about the type of fish along as some are bigger than Utah's trout. We always target a few sharks feeding on the snappers and grunts at the mouth of the creeks for that reason. Our plan is to mainly target those creeks anyway, they're a blast to fish. We'll kayak in and camp at Cape Sable. I've had some of my best days fishing the glades in Whitewater and Oyster bays and up in the Shark Rivers but that was with a motor not paddling and we only have 4 days. Cape Sable sounds beautiful and looking to explore a new area. If the seas are too rough we'll head to South Joe's Chickee in Whitewater bay as our backup. Thanks again, I'll pray to the fish gods for warm calm weather.
[quote remo_5_0]Jealousy rears it's ugly head!![/quote]
damn right im jealous! while im wading the bear river in 123462398014 layers of cloths, your in shorts and a t-shirt.
