Right now, I only use a rod for plastics and a rod for throwing iron. I also use my plastics rod for live bait. I was wondering if I should buy a rod just for live bait fishing. if so, what kind. my two rods are both graphite seekers. I kind of want to keep it that way. ya know, all seekers. I was thinking about using a newell 229, but not sure yet.
Hey there DH tubinjoe,
Good grief!! Don't ya see enough rods on the boats to find what ya want? Just joking! I used to have all the same make rods, reels and even line! No more. Calstar comes to mind on something you might be interested in trying. If you don't like it, sell it off, they've got decent re-sale value.
Some guys on the local boats swear by (I didn't say swear at!!) their 'glass'or composite rods. Ever messed around with an Ugly Stik live bait boat rod. Pretty sweet. Those take a lot of abuse and keep going and going and going.
I've heard some of the big tuna boys, shark specialist, and sturgeon anglers talking about using the glass composite rods instead of some of the high modular graphite rods for their ability to withstand those sudden bigtime pressures put on rods when struck suddenly by a big ol fishy.
PS If you can find anything built, build the darn thing yourself.
I have this 8' sabre 270. it is a composite and graphite rod. the closest part to the handle is graphite and the rest is composit. it is rated for 12-30 pound line. its a nice little rod. I think I'll end up using that rod with a newell. I haven't decided yet.
do you use a rod only for live bait???
I use a hook with a weight attacked to it and a rubber thingy on 6 lbs string and a fenwick fishing pole with a Black Max 5500 reel dodad thing.
Hey DH_tubinjoe,
It's kinda a wiseguy answer but I pretty much match the rod and the way I fish to the species and size of fish I expect to catch.
A 12-20lb rated bait rod for chovies ain't gonna work worth squat for a 20-40lb rated rod fishing dines.
I'd like to have a shorter stouter rod with a really flexy first 10 inches for the big guys but...... I like to chunk iron too much.
chunk or chuck iron??? I already have a jig stick. I like the sabre. well.... I think I do.
so what you are trying to tell me is to use like a 7' rod for the bait??? I dont like the shorter rods because of casting ability. I dont cast well with the shorter rods compared to the 8 and 9 footers.
Hey DH_tubinjoe,
Good point!! Chuck is the operative word. I love my calstar 9' 10" glass composite meat stick w/ Newell and 25+ lb test line for iron or sardines. Hey! when it comes to boat rods, I don't like short rods either. I was just talking about what I saw a lot of guys using who liked to fish albies and other 20+ pound fishies.
for me, I think fighting a big fish on a longer stick would be more fun and a longer fight. you dont have as much leverage, and that gives you the shorter string in the fight.
I think I am going to put a Newell 235 on this rod. with 20# line. I think unless you guys think 20# is wrong for this type of fishing.