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Full Version: Thanks to everyone that showed up at the Bash
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I wanted to thank everyone that came to this years Burbot Bash. We had over 500 people this year and 165 BFT members showed up. To say the least, it was a mad house just trying to get everyone their prizes. I also want to take this opportunity to thank all our great sponsors and I hope you all support them through out the year.

[#ff0000]1. Creative Fishing Adventures. Donated a guided fishing trip for two people, jigging for macks, this will be for one full day in September 2010. [/#ff0000][#000000]$480 value [/#000000]
[#ff0000]2. The law firm of Jeffery A. Owens attorney/ mediator with Atlas Mediation donated 4 hours of legal service.[/#ff0000][#000000] $600 valve
[/#000000][#ff0000]3. Radical Glow donated their great products, including their tube jigs.
4. Maniac lures donated from their fine line of products.
5. Freshwater Basics[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]6. Curly lures[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]7. Buckboard marina[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]8. Flaming Gorge Resort[/#ff0000] $160 value
[#ff0000]9. Angler's Den[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]10. Cabela's[/#ff0000] donation value of $935
[#ff0000]11. Rocky Mountain Tackle donated some their fine line of products, including dogers and lures.[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]12. High Plains Industrial Service[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]13. RoundRock Flyfishing [/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]14. Smith & Edwards[/#ff0000][#000000] valued at $200[/#000000]
[#ff0000]15. Jim's Custom Plastics[/#ff0000]
[quote wiperhunter2]

We had over 500 people this year and 165 BFT members showed up.

[#ff0000] [/#ff0000][/quote]

Thank you Curtis for all of the work you put into this and prior bashes. BTW -- how many BFT members signed up (curious how many no shows there were)?
240 BFT members signed up. There were a dozen or so folks that tried to sign up but did some thing wrong or did not sign up in time but we gave them a prize too. I also forgot to thank several members that helped make this event happen.
Trfishin was there also handing out his great products.
There were a few other members but I can't remember their user names.
There were many more folks that made this happen including the Green River and the Rock Springs chambers, the UDWR and WF&G. Thanks everyone.
Great to see Adam Eakle there with Roughin' it Outdoors. The Bash will air on channel 2 this coming sat at 11pm, hope you all are able to see it. WH2
He indicated it should air next Saturday night, January 30th, at 11PM.

A definite thanks for helping put this together Curt. It's one thing to talk about organizing events like this, and another to make it all work which is what you did. It was even better this year and the turnout was exceptional considering the forecast. I expect this will continue to grow in the coming years as more and more people get involved, like Janet Hartford, Dave Hank, and the Tanners. Dave Freeman and the crew from Flaming Gorge Resort (and probably some others I fail to mention) volunteered most of their Saturday to present and demonstrate too. Much appreciation to everyone who organized, helped, donated, and attended this year's event. It's a fun way to learn about burbot and their impacts to Flaming Gorge.
Thanks for the info Ryan and the added names of those that helped out this year. It would be nice if we could figure out how many ling were caught at this years bash. I know our group of 5 caught 15, so if every person caught just two each, that would be over a 1,000 less in the gorge[Smile].
A very well put together outing guys. I was impressed with how it went off. Thanks to all of you for doing that.

The fishing was a bit slow but we did pull a few through the ice.
Good to meet you yesterday. Looks like you did pretty good, how deep was the water you caught the burbot in?
It was great to meet you also. We caught the Burbot in 30 feet of water. I was using a Maniac 3 inch glow tube with a piece of shrimp. I caught the Lakers on a small glow tube with mealworm. I wanted to get a little more shallow but there was a pressure ridge between us and the cliff wall.
[#000000][size 2]Hey just wanted to stop by and give a big THANK YOU to wiperhunter2, reelfast, wiperslayer and everyone else that helped out and made this a great event. [/size][/#000000]
[#000000][size 2] Also wanted to thank all of the great BFT members that traveled from near and far to learn how and help other anglers out catching burbot. [/size][/#000000]
[#000000][size 2] A big Thank You to the Green River Chamber of Commerce working together with the Big Fish Tackle trying to put a dent in the burbot population in Flaming Gorge. Many thanks to all the other business that donated great prizes in making this a huge event for all ages. I can see many new members registering with the big fish tackle after picking up some stickers and getting some great information about the BFT website.[/size][/#000000]
[#000000][size 2]I really enjoyed meeting all of you even if it was for only a quick chat . Hope my new plastic baits were able to bring some burbot to the table last night and some trout for breakfast today. I missed out on last years burbot bash but will be making it an annual event from now on. Lots of great information and give aways for everyone. I got out and fished for a little while last night then headed back. Fishing was a little slow but missed and lost quite a few because of delayed reaction from the freezing cold and nasty wind blowing[Smile] Well thats my story was more like just many swings and misses.[/size][/#000000]
[size 2][/size]
[size 2]Did manage 4 fish on the new glow curly tails and 1 off of a handpoured tube jig I made to. [/size]
[size 2][/size]
[size 2]Thank You and hope to see you all again out on the ice or open water. [/size]
[size 2][/size]
[size 2]Trfishin Jim's Custom Plastics[/size]
Just want to thank all you folks that made this thing happen, no fish but was an adventure and made for a good time. This was the first time our group had fished Gorge and figured we had it wired[crazy] But you know what they say about the best laid plans.... Well we motored out about 1 1/2 miles north of the Marina under some ledges 60 feet marked fish and had a few bites, but was getting late and were looking for friends of Wilfcat95, and wanted to set up before dark, also was looking for shallower water. I thought I'd heard that in the evening 10 to 20 feet was Ideal, [crazy] wrong!!! (for us anyway) set up our tents and stuff around 5:30, in an area away from people in 10 to 16 feet of water, looked like a lot of rocks on bottom, Fished till 9:30, with no bites marked no fish and were using 10 poles between the four of us, bummer.. Later we figured we were on more of a sandy bottom, and with all the wind ,the three tents, dark, and all the stuff chances of finding another spot just wasn't the answer..T'was fun though and we all be back [Wink] We stayed at the Oak Tree Inn, nice place and the folks at Penny's were very friendly. Thanks again guys.
Good idea on the running tally. There was ten of us and we caught 32. Ryno
We got totally busted, and I was really mad last night, but this morning I'm feeling better about it. Dad and I fished up along the east facing side of Confluence Point in 8-40' of water and marked fish in just about every hole at all kinds of depths, but couldn't buy a bite. Not one nibble. Wonder what they were? I saw fewer fish out in 30+ feet of water on the sonar. Hmmmm.

But looking back it was fun anyway, and I met and talked to a lot of nice guys. The WY DWR guys let me bug them about the biology and natural history, etc of burbot til they couldn't answer any more, and I learned a lot of "theory" even if the "practice" wasn't great.

So, thanks, guys...
Thanks to every one that put in so much work to make this happen. It was fun talking to a lot of folks. We went up Friday and headed north of the marina area so we could be out of the wind and in an area that hadn't been hit much. We slept out on the ice instead of heading for a hotel. We fished in 15-20 feet of water in a small bay. Between the three of us we landed 13 burbots. I lost four to tangles or coming off at the hole. I caught the biggest ones at 4 AM. In the morning we went after the macs out in 65 feet of water and had a blast. My son lost a really nice one but most were pups. We ended up taking three limits home for table meat. We weren't able to fish Saturday night since my son had a date that we had to get him back for but I wish I could have stayed longer.
Hey spring buck I usually fish in 8 to 25 feet for burbot at night but last weekend I caught mine in 30' and last night I lost one at the hole in 12' and had my best luck on a shelf at 65 to 75' deep. I saw a lot of fish on the finder to. I would reel up or drop down to the fish and start getting close and they would just take off didnt want much to do with it up off of the bottom.

The ones that wanted to play were all on the bottom and had lots that would grab on then let go. just have to come back up and give it a try again looks like a burbot derby coming up in feb. Never know when the big one is going to hit.
every fish we caught last night was from 2ft-26ft are group of 8 caught over 65 ling with the best going 31''. 4 of the 8 were first timer's. if you are seeing fish off the bottom they are more than likely lake trout. no fish finder will pic ling up off the bottom in rock's.we fished till 1:30am.
Got any pics of that beastly 31"er. I bet you guys had a riot.[cool]
i do, when i get home tonight i will post a pic, it was a skiny sucker. other than the wind it was great
I also want to thank you all for setting this up. It was a blast. We only ended up with 2 ling but overall the day was great! I won a prize from the Wyo chamber of commerce and the free spoons and maniac lures were great! I finally picked up several BFT stickers. It was great as my dad was ice fishing for the first time in his life and he landed a 23" ling. Could have done without the wind, but again, thanks to all for putting this together and providing a great time for my father, my two sons, my nephew and myself.

Word has it the W was a little out of control at FG over the weekend.
Hmm, really seems strange there'd be W's at FG. [laugh]

I thought about coming by Saturday to saying hi but the W changed my mind at sun down so wimped out and hid in the camper instead.. But I'd dun the ling for two nights earlier in the week, and spend the past 5 days on Mackies..

Glad to hear it all worked out
We fished on friday night for the ling, we started off about 1/2 mile north of buckboard in that first big cove and only caught two in the first holes, we ended up moving three times before we found a few more. The other half of our group did better as far as numbers and they stayed in the same general area but punched a bunch of holes to cover the area and be able to move in or out to find the active fish.
I think the big difference between your group and ours was the wind, it is very hard to move once you are set up with the wind blowing. The wind was very light on friday night, so it was easier to move around. As Ash and others have said, if your not catching them you need to move. Did you guys try for the lake trout today before you left for home?
We were happy with the Oak Tree Inn and Penny's also, I'm sure I'll be staying there again, nice place and good food.
Hopefully this did not leave a bad taste in your mouth, so to speak, it is a learning experience every time I go up. Did you every find Wildcat95?