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Full Version: My wife won't go ice fishing with me
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[frown] My wife like to fish when we go in the summer. But she thinks its gonna be to cold to go out ice fishing with me. I told her that we would dress her way warm but she isn't convinced. I'm sure she would have a blast if she just grew a pair (not literally) but i just can't convince her. Any one have any tips or suggestions i can say or tell her that would change her mind?
i had the same problem trying to get my girlfriend to come out on the ice with me and as soon as i got a shelter with a little heater she was all for it. hope that helps
Slayed em, hit the nail on the head. My wife, hates the cold, I mean hates the cold, cool is 75 deg to her. She thought Ice fishing sounded so stupid tell I took her out, in a shelter and let her run the heater and she cant get enough. If you really want your wife to have a good time, get a shelter, heater and buy her the best boots you can find. Once they get it in their head its going to be cold and miserable, you cant get it out, and she might not ever even consider going again.
yup try and get a tent or shack with a heater and I like to take my wife and kids somewhere thats close to the truck if your walking and has good fishing like pelican lake. Fun, fast fishing and you dont have to be to far from the truck.

Bluegills and largemouth bass pull great through the ice and you dont have to have a boat or bug spray.
A shack and a heater make all the difference in the world. I ice fish in a short sleeved t-shirt. +1 on the boots though.
Tent heater and a place with a lot of fish!!!
I don't really wanna spend the money on an ice shack if she ends up not liking it. I wouldn't ever use it myself because i never go in them even when i'm fishing with others who have them. I just like the outdoors thing to much... Any other ideas?
Be grateful she enjoys fishing with you during the warm months and find a fishing buddy or two to ice fish with.
+1 My wife will not even go with me in the summer.
Women do not like the fringe of the elements ice fishing puts them in. Try to enjoy the soft deck togeather. Get a nice boat and go with it. Let the ice be secondary. Gals that enjoy sharing the fishing experience are rare. If she doesn't like the ice don't push it. Get something under your feet you both enjoy and go with it.
[font "Courier New"][#000050][size 3]As a wimpy woman myself, I refuse to go ice fishing, too. If it's less than 45F, I don't even want to think about being outside! Heck, I whine and complain at 55F... just ask FishNCoach, BassRods and BigBassaholic! I think TubeDude escaped it, because that trip was mid-May, after sunrise and I had a down coat on...

Now, all this talk about a shelter and heater is well and fine. But in my opinion, it's the time spent outside trekking TO the fishing hole, and waiting for everything to be set up, that's the cause of misery.
If somebody wanted to go get it set up, and I come meet them after it's all ready... I MIGHT consider it.

55 days until Spring starts!
Leave her home!!![cool]
My wife is the same. I guess all we can do is fish in peace, knowing our wifes are home safe.....[Wink]
[quote reelfast]Women do not like the fringe of the elements ice fishing puts them in. Gals that enjoy sharing the fishing experience are rare. [/quote]

Guess we're 'rare' as we ice fish every weekend and the same during the soft water.

For two ole gals we do just fine. Yep we have a tent and heater but the tents primary purpose is for comfort breaks except this past Saturday...we used it as it snowed like hell on PV. Have yet to use the heater and we bring it everytime...we just sit outside the tent...except again for this past Saturday.

Biggest thing I believe is the mindset of being cold and that's for I know a lot of guys who don't ice fish as they don't want to get it isn't just women.

Folks who no matter ice or soft deck. My advise is dress in layers and get the best quality boots. We have Sorrell Pac boots made for cold conditions. Once one has cold feet it's all over...even with men.

Take your wife out on a very, very short trip say for a couple of hours that's close to home...then go from there. Tell her hey just try it we'll only go for a couple of hours. And stick to the 'couple' hours unless she wants to stay longer. If you try to get her to sit on the ice for 4-8 hours well probably won't happen. Take small steps and go from there it this old gals advise.
have you ever fished in a shelter? It's by far the coolest fishing ever you can usually watch the fish take the bait. With exception to last weekend at the Gorge I haven't even needed a heater.
As a woman who loves to ice fish I have to say the boots are the most important. I even put the toe heat packs on my socks before putting on my boots. Also, I started by taking a good chair and a book incase the fishing was really slow. Go on a sunny day and take a lunch, it becomes a picnic. We do have a hut but don't take it too often because it is heavy. Good luck.
You wife doesn't want to go icefishing with you? I still don't understand what the problem is...
What a wusss. Dress right and it is fantastic! don't stand on Ice, but that is because I fly fish, but I can stand in a river with ice floating by ALL DAY>

[Image: IMG_6906.jpg]

If you like to is the best fishing.
My wife loves to shop for fishing gear (all the salesman at Fish Tech and Sportsman know her well) but prefers the summer trips. I did get her out on the ice at Fish Lake a couple of weeks ago and she had a blast pulling up splakes and perch. She also said she might try the burbot bash next year after she saw how many fish we caught.
I made my wife a deal. I told her I'll go to a concert or a play for each time she'll go ice fishing and it's worked. It's hard to want to go to her things too but a good compromise will maybe do the trick.