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I have a fish cat 4 deluxe love it, I like everything about it but the striping apron is a pain. It is way to flimsy...

Sometimes stuff will roll into my lap and i almost lose stuff like food, drinks, bait, hooks etc.

Going to Laguna Niguel soon and want to find a way to fix it... Any suggestions 4 me?![Wink][cool][cool][cool]
Rubbermaid LIDS....[laugh]

Tube Dude has several pictures of his set up and several others here have come up wit their own ideas.
Sorry I am not much help on this...I don't use an apron.
No problem and thx I will check it out[Smile]
By the way...WELCOME this is one of the only TUBING forums out there and full of great ideas and stories.
Glad to have you aboard.
Thank u and i love it so far. I am 12 years old and fishing already is a life stile. When i was in preschool there was a paper to write down what u wanted to be when u grow up everybody said policeman doctor and stuff, and i said tuna fish man... lol and ever scince then i have had a passion for fishing.
Well, alright! Man you are going to be sooooo ahead f the game starting this young!
Yeah, I hope so and i hope the government doesn't take my sport away etc. environmentalist... LOL
Where you at? and can I adopt you?[Wink]
Orange county, CA.
and idk about that lol
Of course you will have to Fly Fish![cool]
easy sis his parents may have something to say about this adoption thing.. LOL>. plus you're making me jealous...:-)
Sorry Mac...I still love ya![angelic]
Welcome a board little tubing brother [Smile]
There is few ways to fix your apron.
One is to replace it with plastic tub lid. I fixed mine by
placing rigid piece of aluminum inside the front portion
of the apron lip to make it rigid. It works very well for my.
Either way , if you like to use the apron you MUST fix
it first.
In the attached picture you can kinda see the rigid front
apron lip Im talking about.
Hope this helps.


Thanks for the advice peter805 will be using it Friday will advise u on how it works...[fishin]
[quote 1tuber]Thank u and i love it so far. I am 12 years old and fishing already is a life stile. When i was in preschool there was a paper to write down what u wanted to be when u grow up everybody said policeman doctor and stuff, and i said tuna fish man... lol and ever scince then i have had a passion for fishing.[/quote]

1tuber, welcome to the forum!! I have been an avid fisherman all my life too. No, I didn't decide to be a "tuna-fish-man" in my youth [Wink], but we started family vacations to northern Minnesota when I was about five or six. I've been hooked (pun intended) ever since!

Still, you're lucky to have started so young. I'm at the other end... I'm almost 60 and just got my first boat. Have had many passions and hobbies over the years, but fishing was never too far down the list.

This will be the first year that I've been able to fish the WHOLE season... man am I ready!!

Got the boat last year and its maiden voyage was on July 4th. Took my grandkids out (the oldest is the same age as you). UNLIKE my other/previous hobbies, this (fishing) is the first one in which I can ALSO include my wife, kids, AND grandkids. I'm loving it!!! Additionally, they're ALL asking how soon can we go fishing (this year)!!! To say I'm excited (as much as they are) would be an understatement!! [Image: happy.gif]

Oh yeah... I have a TUBE too! Just got a new Creek Company ODC-420. Can hardly wait to get IT out too!!! [Wink] I live in Omaha, NE... so unlike you, I still have about two months until open water for the boat, and probably four months (end of April/first of May) before getting out in the tube (yeah, I'm a woosie when it comes to cold-water tubing).

Anyway, welcome to the forum. We're of different generations... but I'm looking forward to US "growing-up" at the same time! [Image: 04.gif]


Yes fishing is the all time best hobie
Hope you are able to get your stripping apron problem fixed. Sorry I wasn't able to help much.