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Full Version: The Slush Monster is HUGE at Pineview.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]I got to Cemetery Point lot at 9:30 this AM and was only the second truck there. There was nobody on the ice at the narrows either. Nobody was on the Browning Point side that I could see.[/size][/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Around Noon I noticed a lone fisherman off Browning Point and a tent off Anderson Campground. When I left at 3:00 there was one tent at the narrows.[/size][/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]The slush is 8 to 10 inches deep and the bottom of it is 4" plus of pure water. I had to run my snowmobile on shore all the way around Cemetery Point or risk getting bogged down. I did run out on the tip of the Point to fish and it was touch and go with the snowmobile trying to swim in that mess. It was a very slow crawl coming back to shore when I left at 2:30.[/size][/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]The bag was 4 keeper perch at 8 to 10 inches and a handful of dinks.[/size][/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]ATV's are out of the question right now on Pineview and snowmobiles are a big question mark. Walking very far will be a nightmare for most folks. Good luck to anybody that wants to try it.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Thanx for the post Dubob. I was thinking of going there this weekend but now I may change my mind.
i hate the slushmonster [mad][mad]
I was there on Saturday and couldn't believe the snow/slush. We got into a lot of dinky perch as many people have mentioned.

Anyways, has anyone using a vexilar seen the huge schools of perch going through? I have seen them come through taking up as much as 15'-20' of the flasher screen in about 40' of water. I just reel up from the bottom into the suspended school and catch a couple then they all leave the area/flasher. Just wondering if anyone has seen that too?

Yep, seen that over at the narrows. Huge schools of 4 inch Perch and Gills. Took my smallest jig to hook one.[:p]
You mean these?

I have found that if I stay near the bottom when the schools come through, doing a 3' lift and drop, I can catch bigger fish that are cruising below them. It's like they think one of the baits had died and is in free fall to the bottom.
Those are the smallest I have seen yet. Did you hook those little guys?[:p] I havent caught anything of size this year at the narrows. If there is alot of bait that size it looks like next year should look better.[fishin]
What species are the two whoppers? How did you actually catch them, you must have the FEEL!!!
I didn't catch them, a 10" perch spit them up. That was my indicator to switch to a lure that looked like them and was about the same size.
After I switched and began to imitate the bait fish by lifting up almost to them and dropping the offering slowly to the bottom. (note the slanted line on the finder of the lure dropping to the blip on the right side of the un-zoomed screen), this is what happened. (2nd pic)

If you look between the 3 holes you can see the 2 and the quarters on the ice from the first pic. You can also see several other baits that were spit up.
I think these are Crappielets, not perchlets, by the shape and fin configuration.
This is identical to what I experienced last year at pineview at about this time and continued until 2 weeks before unsafe ice, when I stopped fishing them, there.
at least you have your priorities straight..... like keeping your man-beverage cold!