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Hey there guys,

I should have put out my annual 'be careful message' earlier but better late than never. Whether you're an old-hand or guy who blows into town and never fished on a party boat in their life, there's some things to be reminded of for a safe fishing trip.

Local boats are crowded right now with the sand bass and barracuda bites. Also, overnighters and multi-day boats are going for the hot, hot albacore.

Things to make a trip more fun.
0) Make reservations and come way, way early.

1) Be aware too much drinking can spoil the trip, thru confrontations or dehydration. It's hot out there right now.

2) If you get seasick, know your limitations on the rail.

3) Be aware that in large groups of anybody you often get people who wanna prove they are the alpha dog. (You can usually tell by the constant badboy mouth.)

4) Stow your tackle box out of the way (out of walkways, hatches and door ways and where some selfish jerk can't pile his garbage on your stuff. (Some think they should be allowed to do anything if they can bluff ya.)

5) Keep your extra rods in one area for convenience and put in rod holders. (The way to be able to use rod holders is to be early and be one of the first on the boat. duh!)

6) Follow the captian's and deck's lead. Listen and you and guys around you will have a heads up on success.

7) When casting jigs, let people be aware before swinging the jig into casting position (yell 'goin' out' or 'low bridge') and watch behind you until the jig is out and over the water. You'd be amazed at stuff people do (especially inexperienced guys) no matter how safe you cast if you watch. Sometimes they'll act like it was a close call or duck when they're more than 15 feet away, etc.

8) Sitting space (bunks are supplied for sleeping) is limited on super crowded boats. Good will says you don't sleep on benches, etc. Especially, in the galley.

9) Make sure you know the rules and tipping norm on 'that particular boat' before you get in the jackpot.

10) Be ready to give tempoary space to a guy with a hookup especially in the corners.

11) Depending on the fishing style of the boat or species sought, be ready to do the 'tuna shuffle' or rotate from your original spot.

12) Before the boat docks, have all your gear secured and your rods together in case someone accidently picks up your rod by mistake.

Happy and Safe Fishing

also... KEEP TRACK OF YOUR RODS!!! we have had soooooo many stolen items on our boat. it is your own fault if you lose them and the crew is not responsible for anything lost or stolen.

deck hands may need to cut your line if somebody with a fish is hooked up with the "right kind" and your line is endangering the landing of that fish. Just thought I'd let you know before it happens.

when I fish jigs, I always hold it on the handle until everybody is clear. then I just drop the jig and swing. easy and SAFE!

now I am going to mention some things that really "push my buttons" from a deck hand's point of view:

-when we are hosing off the deck. please be aware of it and don't make us tell you more than twice to please move.

-people dont listen to the deckhands when it comes to rigging techniques. us deckhands have seen pretty much every rig in the world of fishing(exaggeration). we know what catches fish and what doesn't. if you arent using one of those rigs, we will usually point it out to you. we are doing what we are doing because we WANT you to catch fish. We like to see people happy.

-when you catch a fish, there will usually be a deckhand right next to you to help you along the way. we will gladly take your fish from you, take the hook out, and put it in your sack. if you dont want us to do it, just say so. dont give us a dirty look and just do it yourself.

-please do not accuse us of anything. one time, a customer accused another deckhand of being a racist! that is rediculous and not needed. you are on the same boat and you cant really go anywhere, so "why can't we all just get along?" as the saying goes. haha

well, I just thought I'd put everything that way, because I didn't know how else to put it.

Tips are allways appriciated. especially if it is the same deck hand that helps you throughout the WHOLE DAY. thank you



Hey DH tubinjoe,

Ya, I added a bunch of other do's and don't you will agree with I'm sure.

If you think of any more than the ones I added, edit your post and put 'em in there. More info + better behaved anglers= more fun. oh ya, and better tips too. ha ha

-Listen to your deckhand, we KNOW what WE are talking about!

-Get your fish cleaned or else they will rot!!

-Never get drunk and try to feed the seagulls, you will fall overboard!!

(That happend to someone today!!)


Big and small kill em all!