went to soldier creek today with grandps head out on the snowmobiles bound to find the spot! and we did 25feet deep the cutt's were on from there couldnt keep them of the line for the firs 2hours and im not sayin 18incher i am talk 21-22 3pounders one even bent my hook!!! wish we could have kept a couple they looked pretty good! we caught 21 total and 1 rainbow!! (i think that somthing is wrong with the thought process between the cutt to bow ratio) thats just me. oh and the slush is horrible!!! 5-6inches deep didnt even set the shack up for fear i would be swimming. here's a couple pic's
Sweeeet !!!! slush monster bad eh ??? think i will stick with the berry sunday.. Thanks
steve o, those are fantastic fish. good for you guys.
Thanks for the report.
20 fish between 2 people is actually about an average day up there. A long time ago a couple buddies and I would take a jeep down there on top of 4 feet of snow and we had several 100 fish days. I really like the Soldier Creek side, but the last few years it seems like it has slowed down somewhat.
You need to invest in some "Tube Dude" special jig heads. I can't tell you how many of those jig heads you use have bent on fish and even totally busted at the curve up there. I will never use anything but the Matzuo Hooks from now on. They are extremely sharp and durable.
I would kill for a 20 fish day between 2 people! [

] I've only recently started fishing the Berry and The best day my buddy and I had was 6 fish between the two of us in about 4 hours.
That sleds rad.
old yeller?? if so it a sweet machine carrys any and everything you could possibly need and the best part scored it for free!! [fishin]
yeah dude 20+ fish sucks!!! get over yourself, you should have done way better, thats just average. [

]Just kidding, nice fish and report.
got an old yellow my self. never use anymoore.
just a heads up for all of you guys headed up their tomorrow dont fish by the marina some company is throwing a fishing party up at the marina with around 300 people. non stop hole drilling with machines and kids making noise = not many fish!!!
[sly]ya he really knows how to knock a guy off is pedistel! i thought i was doing something good but if thats average i need to figure out what i am doing wrong! haha thanks for the post.
oh yeah and if you see a bald guy that looks lost and looks like he doesnt know how to fish smack that ugly bald head for me will ya, their may be a beer or two for your deed well done!!!
"s OK. MY average at the Berry is one fish every 9 hours. Literally.
yea, if you can take me to the clearance aisle where they sale tall glassy rods that are built for Soldier Creek, please send it my way... I played the game when I was younger it was called chase the goose, for some odd reason I never could catch that damn thing ... Maybe, the faster you run the farther away you get from the goose... Nothing else to prove!
I guess when icatch a decent fish at the berry I will have to act like i'm an expert too instead of giving congrats to people
sweet fish dude!
Do they plow the road to Soldier Creek Marina or where would one have to unload snowmobiles to get to the Soldier Creek side of things?
they plow out the turn off you have to ride or walk from that turn off and we drove almost to the damn and just fished the left side