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Full Version: Hyrum or Strawberry in the morn?
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I was going to head up to strawberry in the morning but i'm taking my boy and if the slush monster is bad that could end up not being fun. Has anyone been out to jake's bay or the chicken creeks? If so how is the slush there? I was going to bring the 4wheeler.

Or I wouldn't mind trying Hyrum.....never been there before? I was just wondering the ice conditions and if a wheeler would be ok there? Is there any slush?

Otherwise if the above two are slushy and anti-wheeler any suggestions to get some fish on my 9 yr olds line? Thanks.
I was there (Hyrum) on sunday and there were still four wheelers and snow sleds driving on it, I caught two or three bows and then 10-15 perch but they were nothing worth keeping. If you do go though it will probably be pack, there is usually a lot of people out there. I myself and gonna pick up a buddy in Orem and head up to The Berry for the day and if thats slow make our way up to Current Creek and give that a shot... Hope this helps...
Thanks for the reply, how big is hyrum? Does it get slammed on the weekends? How thick is the ice and was there any slush?

I'm thinking we'll head up to jake's bay and see how the wheeler does?

I'm skeptic to go around to chicken creek and then when it warms up get slammed by the slush.[:/]

Do you know the ice conditions on currant creek? Is the road plowed? Pm me if you want. Thanks again