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I'll give my little Rockport review and it goes somethin like this: Arrived at Rockport at 11:15. Parked near the south end on the west side of the res. Ran into a nice fellow on his way out and he directed us to a couple of his holes that he had good luck at and thanked him for the gesture and found his pre-drilled holes about 200 yds out in 15 feet of water(shallow at that south end). There was litteraly a city of tents on the other side so we didn't quite venture that far. Started fishing at 11:15 and iced about 15 fish(20 if you talk to my Dad) until we left at 2:00. Mostly on the smaller size this trip ranging from 12" to a couple that went 16". All in all the fishing was sporatic but we had decent success and it was one heck of a nice day to be on the ice. Picked the fish up in 5' down to just off the bottom although the bottom seemed a bit more productive. It was funny with one group of fish that came through(either that or one hungry and sneeky fish). Picture this me with my two holes and my dad opposite me watching his two holes. My left rod got a nice hit but I wiffed. Sammy's right rod(straight accross my left rod) got the follow up hit and he missed. A second or two later his left rod started bounc'n and he litterally yanked the jig and rig out of the water over his head with no fish on so I'm laughing pretty hard at him by now then my right rod(the fish or fishes have now come full circle, at different depths mind you) gets the yank and I miss yet again. I guess I deserved that one but it was a classic Stooge moment for both of us. Good times.
That is pretty funny. Had fish going back and forth between my two lines today. Would have a hit and miss and while waiting for a follow up hit my other pole would get a hit and again I would miss. Makes for an entertaining day though.
Knowing Dinga I would give a large sum of money to have that on video...or better yet, to see it in person!

Sounds like a great day my man. We need to get out soon!