Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, eliminated water....had nothing left., 01/23/10, solo
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I thought long and hard about going to the G...I should have. emoDoh I was thinking about the G all last week but decided to hit the Chick again in hopes of the big girls turning on. I got on the water about 8 and hit the wolf for the first two hours. I hit the main creeks, a couple drops and some coves. The water is warming up quickly I think due to all the warm rain we have been getting. I fished a lot of baits but only had four hits. Problem was I missed two of them completely and the other two I hooked but they came off reeling them into the boat. emoMad Two hits on a grub and two on a shakey head. Best I could show for it was a scale on the hook after loosing one of them. Water in the wolf was 48 to 50 depending on where you were. I headed out to the river in hopes of finding some better bites. It was not to happen. I threw everything I could think of in many different places and types of water. I finally got one to slam a jerk and it made it into the boat. emoRolleyes I am sure ready to have the bite turn on at the chick. <br /><br />I bumped into Rsimms up around the nuke after he recognized me and came over to compare notes. He was not doing any good either so he at least did not make me feel bad. emoGrouphug Getting back to the house around 3 I called Antman who was also out there that morning and he did not fair well either.<br /><br />When I got everything put up I got on the forum just to see all those great reports from the G. emoBadLanguage I was glad several of you guys did well but you sure know how to make a guy feel bad. emoGoofy I believe next weekend pending a snow storm I am heading for the G. emoSmile Jmax