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Full Version: Mill Meadow 2-6
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Hit Mill Meadow this morning. Fished 16-18' with Gitzits and perch/mealies. Pretty much all ya want on the small perch. We weeded through the perch for about 35 keepers for the 3 of us. We got a few browns too. Great weather. Didn't measure the ice, but I was about on my knees to finish a hole with the hand auger. A nice guy from Richfield had pity on us and punched a few holes for us with his power auger. I hauled his tent sled back up the ramp for him with the wheeler when he left to return the favor.
Mill Meadow is a fun body of water to fish. To you manage any splake or just the browns and perch?
Just the browns. I've heard there are splake there, but I've not seen one.
We I was there on Wedensday and there was some splake that were caught. Not much size though.
We were there with all those roudy scouts on the far point! Pretty much the same you did, lots of small perch, few browns, and one splake. Gotta love the Millski [cool]
Was that you guys that camped overnight in the tents and toy trailers?
No they were there when we got there.
Nice man!