I have yet to do the 'night-time icefishing' thing. Planning on taking a group of young men out camping within the next few weeks and am wondering which fish (trout/perch) are still catchable after the sun goes down.
Does it necessarily take glow jigs/iceflies to catch 'em in the dark?
We are thinking of hitting Deer Creek, Strawberry, Fish Lake or Mill Meadows. I have fished them all in the early hours of the morning but have no experience on them at night and am wondering if that makes a difference.
Thanks in advance!
Perch become in active after dark. Only fished after dark one time I think and we caught trout on both glow lures and non glow lures. Good luck.
That's interesting. At PV this year, I have had good morning bites, some afternoon bites, but once the sun drops behind the mountain it stopped completely, each time I went this year.
A couple times, after a having bites off and on all day, I fished past that "long shadow" time until well after complete dark and had no more hits in that time. When does the bite pick up for you, Spyder? The TV shows agree with you BTW.
The bite will rise up till sundown, then climb back up. You need to wait a while after sundown for the bite to climb back. We have done great @ night, but you need to wait it seems. Same with others like catfish, its great at dusk , but then they relly pick up again at like 11.
I have fished Strawberry many times on overnighters. I have caught them on glow and non-glow jigs. Smelly Jelly and other attractants work great at night. The important thing is to take plenty of propane for the heaters and lanters. They burn through it fast when its below zero.
Good luck
I rarely fish for perch but when I do I seem to do the best kind of late morning.