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[#502800]I prefer to pre-tie my lures to flashers etc....What is the best way to keep them from tangling up?[/#502800]
[#502800]I've heard some say wrapping them around those foam swimming noodles........Attaching them to a board with fly clips and rubber bands......Putting them in clear poly tubes.......PVC pipes split in half etc........How does everyone do it without spending half your fishing time untangling stuff?[/#502800]
Wping them around a noodle or tube or other commercial item would be the best to keep it untagled. I have a couple that I got for worm harnesses. They work great. The ones I have are the commercial type. They are hollow and can hold extra blades inside of them.
I have a bunch of Lindy rigs and long leaders wrapped around toilet paper rolls. They are free and keep stuff from getting all tangled up.
I wrap my attractors and leaders around a wine cork. I use Stingers as attractors and about a 10 inch leader to an ice fly. I just make a split in the top of the cork and put the Stinger in the hole and then wrap the leader around the cork and stick the ice fly in when the leader is tight.
I pre-rig all 6 ice rods that I have at home where it is warm and I'm not in a hurry. If I manage to get all 6 rods tangled up, I go home and back to bed.

The noodles are great. One worn out noodle cut into a piece about a foot long can hold several rigs. I stick a sewing pin in the top, leaving a little sticking up. I slip the loop end of my rig over the pin, pull the rig line tight and stick the hook in near the bottom of the foam piece.
i save my plastic bags when i buy jigs. i wrap the leader around my hand then insert them into the bag close the bags zipper. they stay wrapped up and untangled and i can keep alot in a small place. bags can be written on for leader spaciffics how long test exct.[Wink]
[#502800]Thanks......Good ideas......I like to pre rig everything......When you guys get older, you will know what I'm talking about........Many years back I did see something similar to this drawing, (attached).....Maybe it was for saltwater, I'm not sure.....Has anyone seen anything like this?[/#502800]
To me, anything that involves a loop or wrapping is just the start of a knot, and I'm trying to avoid knots.
That is why I string them out length wise on a piece of noodle.
Also with my method, you don't even take them off the noodle to tie them on. Just put the main line from the rod through the loop on top, by the pin and tie the knot. Only after the rig is secured to the main line do I pull the hook out of the foam piece.
Corks for small rigs. Small Baggies for anything Under a foot work well. Noodles and There is also this great and they only cost about $5 ...

[url ""][/url]

[font "Courier New"][#000050][size 3]When I first started fishing, I got so excited that I would just snatch up my gear and go! After a few times of spending more time getting everything ready and then doing fishing, I learned my lesson.
Now I get ready and organized at least the night before (if not sooner, so I can then get more sleep!). This includes tackle AND my lunch/snacks... so in the morning I can just grab and go, with NO preparation.

If I know what I'm going to target, I only bring stuff for that. (I got boxes labled for "Bass", "Panfish", "Catfish", "Walleye" some can be interchanged, but while I'm still learnin' all this, I gotta keep 'em simple!)
For one thing, less weight for Wimpy Dawn to carry, and makes things a bit easier to rummage through. Lures did just fine in those little compartment boxes... but what about line? I tried all sorts of things, which sometimes still ended up tangled. I finally got this a few months ago. I should try it out soon, and see if I can figure it out and/or if it even works like I think it should

[url ""][/url][Image: 100%20hh.jpg]
[#502800]I was rummaging around through Harbor Freight today, and found an orange plastic cylindrical case, that is used to hold welding rods.......A rigged noodle, like you described, fits nicely inside this case if you slit it in the ends for the flashers.[/#502800]
[#502800]It has a screw on lid, that keeps the noodle inside, so it doesn't tangle with everything in the sled.......Thanks for the ideas folks.[/#502800]

[#502800]P.S. ........This would make an excellent case for an emergency rope.[/#502800]
I like keeping pre-tied leaders on a piece of cardboard. Then they are easily accessible and you can plant the hooks in the cardboard. Since boxes are easy to find then you won't have to shell out a dime.