Fishing Forum

Full Version: craazyboutbass, Parksville, Nothing, 2/18/10, Jimwarden
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<br /> I got up to the lake around 11:30 this morning looking foward to a nice day weather wise. Planned on meeting Jim at the ramp around 3 this afternoon to try for some spots on the FnF.<br /> Started the day out fishing all over the middle part of the lake with out a bite... headed down to Indian creek after a couple hours of nothing. Pulled around the corner and my buddy was sitting on the spot I was heading to. Said hey and asked if they were catching anything, they said they had caught 2 so far. Decided to fish a little point coming out of a cove, as soon as I put the trolling motor in the water I hear my buddy yelling at me saying he just caught a good fish... I was excited, I thought it was going to be a big spot. Trolled up to him and he pulled the fish out of the livewell, turns out it was a decent 4-5lb largemouth. He caught it on a jig.<br /> Decided I would try a jig for a while, never got bit. <br /> <br /> Finally by 3 I picked up Jim at the ramp and off we went for some spots... I was hoping some fish would turn up.<br /> We tried fishing on points and bluffs with the FnF, never got a bite after another good 2.5 hours of fishing. Although I enjoyed the time talking with him about fishing the FnF and how the spring bite should be turning up here soon. I told him we'd try it again when we get a good cloudy day sometime between Monday and Wed next week. <br /> Nice to be on the lake with some warmer weather, even with out any cooperative fish... May have had one bite today but cannot prove it was a fish. emoBang <br /> Anyways I had fun Jim, we'll will get on 'em next time hopefully emoToast <br /> Also adding pics of the good largemouth Shane caught in Indian Creek...