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Full Version: Deer Creek AT Starvation 2-19-10
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[cool][#0000ff]Earlier in the week I posted that I was through with Deer Creek ice fishing for this season. Thought I had made my last ice fishing trip, period. Then I get a call from Pikeman that he has found the perch at Starvation (AGAIN) and that I needed to go over with him today. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sounded good. Usually does. Then the "Pikeman Factor" kicks in. That can be manifest as a sudden turn in the weather (bad), fish disappeared since yesterday...or just plain lockjaw among the fishies. We drove over in snow this morning. Not bad, but not good. Drilled holes right where Pikeman caught his fish yesterday. SLOOOOOOOOW. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I started the day with a footlong slimer. Whoa. I could do that well at Deer Creek. Then a couple of dink perchettes. Ditto. Pikeman was having the same luck. A slimer and some dinksters. Big whoop. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We moved into deeper water. More of the same. Slimers and dink perch. That's the way the day went. We each caught bigger perch, but they were few and far between. We saw LOTS of fish on sonar...but they all had their little mouths closed and their middle fins upraised. When we turned the sound up on my Humminbird we could also hear little fishy giggles as they swam away unharmed.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Had white flaky things fluttering down off and on through the day, but otherwise very tolerable. Not nearly as bad as the Antarctic fiasco of mid January. I could not even fish. My line would freeze in the hole before my jig would make it to the bottom. Pikeman Factor.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Still, a great day enjoyed with a good friend and a fine fellow fisherman. We did catch a few fishies and shared lots of wonderful fishing stories...a few of them with a bit of truth in them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We got on the ice at the main state park launch ramp. Solid edges. No water. Ice is still almost 2 feet thick...about the thickest for this time of year that most Starvation fans can remember. Global warming? Yeah, right.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The perch have been moving shallower and have been taken in less than 20 feet of water. Today we found (some) fish from 19' to 28'. The ones we brought up were all spitting up grundles of daphnia and other invertebrates. The big mamas have tummies full of eggs and do not seem interested in big lures. But it sure is hard to fish a size 50 water goober.[/#0000ff]
Gosh Pat, rough times fishin lately. Looks like that puny Perch is not only giving you the fin, but kinda looks like its sticking its little Tongue out at you too. Thanks for the update, at least Glen looks happy.
you know how the saying goes. you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink. another saying every dog has his day. it wasnt tube dudes today. but i will say that the company was good so it was worth the trip. and if we sloter them tomarrow we will know its the tube dude factor not the pikeman factor lol 8).
Nice Post Pat,

Sorry to hear about the fishing. Still looks like a good day out on the water......maybe soon it will be a good day out IN the water. I am ready for the ice to be gone, this summer will be a fun one!

[cool][#0000ff]Hey Glen, I hope you do get into them...bigtime. Won't hurt my feelings.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Believe me, I have fished long enough...enough places...for enough species...that I know all about that old fisherman's saying: "YOU SHOULDA BEEN HERE YESTERDAY. WAIT 'TIL TOMORROW."[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck you guys...and watch out for the PF.[/#0000ff]
[quote walleyebob] Gosh Pat, rough times fishin lately. Looks like that puny Perch is not only giving you the fin, but kinda looks like its sticking its little Tongue out at you too. Thanks for the update, at least Glen looks happy.[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]As you well know, this is a transitional time. Better times ahead for sure. But, even though I have not exactly been decimating the populations I have been catching more than my fair share on any trips I go on.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Didn't notice how that perchie was "dissin'" me. The Tongue is easily explained...piece of crawler.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I hear the walleye callin'...down at Lincoln Beach. (Sung to the tune of Folsom Prison).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm ready to sling some plastic...but they're still out of reach.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Have you got the icebreaker SS Ol' Blue ready for action?[/#0000ff]
Gees, that will teach you to post about ONE off day. But we both know that was one hundred great days.
Not sure why I am, but I too have been kind of quiet on the awesome fishing days. It was nice talking to you about them one on one.

Is it Carpage yet!!!!!!!![laugh]
"piece of crawler"? yeah go with that. teehee

Hey Pat. the ol blue ice breaker is ready to do its duty.
Monday morning I'll be down there checking out the breakability factor of the boat ditch ice.
I'm sure we will cross wakes soon.
"Gees, that will teach you to post about ONE off day. But we both know that was one hundred great days."

[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, plenty of good days every year. The occasional tough one makes you enjoy the good ones even more. Helps keep ya humble and appreciative of fishing in general.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]"YA GOTTA TASTE THE BITTER TO APPRECIATE THE SWEET"...or something like that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm always grateful for any time I get to spend on the water (or ice). Catching fish is the primary reason for going but only one element in creating the total experience.[/#0000ff]
Deer Creek at Starvation!? Wow!

You must got some sort of magic "karma".

You should get on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Or some other New Age radio talk show.

Hey by chance did you see anything weird in the skies?

But what you should have done TubeDude was visit Utah Lake— to see if you brought Deer Creek to Utah Lake. Now that would have been scary![unimpressed]

Better yet TubeDude stay away from all fisheries. The last thing we all need is to catch rainbow and small perch wherever we go fishing.

I promise I haven't been into the smelly jelly.
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, I figgered it was just one of those space-time continuum thangs. Happens all the time to me. Time warps too. I always been kinda warped and lose track of time. I lose track of lots of things.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]See anything wierd in the skies? Heck no. Ever time the weather forecast shows those blue arrows and stuff I run out lookin' up to see ifin I kin see any of 'em. They lie about those too...just like the weather forecast.[/#0000ff]
Well Pat, I;m here to tell ya that you didn't really miss anything yesterday either. We played the same toon and danced the same dance. Couple slimers, 2 nice juimbo toads, and few dinksters from the swarns of fish that cruised though throwing gang signs and middle, upraised fins. I guess we all shoulda' been there Thursday!
Man, am I ready for ice out!!!
[cool][#0000ff]Sorry you guys weren't able to do much better. But, that is Starvation...good name for that lake.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At least a few of us have learned a bit more about the lake and winter fishing on it this past couple of years. We still don't know all the answers but we have sure learned more of the questions. I know that a lot more fish came through the ice on Starvation this year than any year before that I can remember.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am more than ready for open water. Bring it on.[/#0000ff]