02-21-2010, 01:15 PM
Four of us hit the Starvation ice for maybe the final visit this winter. 4-wheeled it out of Rabbit Gulch around 2:30pm and headed towards the bridge. 20 degrees warmer than last trip, yet ice still 20", with 5" of snow atop. No Slush Monster tracks. Missed some bites, lightest of the season, but yanked 19 jumbos that came out of only 3 holes of the 8 we augered, at depths of 50-56', all within an hour of dusk:30. Even split between waxies, eyeballs and perch meat. When it was too dark to tie on, they quit, and so did we. Lots of porpoising down there to signal the "betwitching" hour, but there must be some truth to that late-winter-tough-bite thing we've all read about. Wished it could have been better, but we can't complain, as we enjoyed some pretty good winter perchin' out there this season. 'Bout time to re-spool and clean out the mess in the boat.