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It's above 40 degrees outside... all I can think about is the ice slowly melting off all the lakes I want to fish! I had to share it with someone... possibly with someone who shares my anticipation. Come on Spring!!!
Well, I certainly share in your anticipation!!! Only here (Omaha, NE), we still are in the 20's and Wednesday's high is supposed to be in the teen's. [:/]

Here, it's going to be a month (or two) before the snow/ice is gone and I can get the boat out. (And want the water to be warmer <50-ish> before I even THINK about getting out in my float-tube!)

Com'on spring!!! [cool]
I'm sitting in 16 degrees here in Utah. I bet it will be May before the majority of the water here is open to fishing. There are a few spots around the state that are open (Lake Powell, Sand Hollow and Quail Creek) But at over 4 hours drive for me its just not worth right now. I am excited as hell to get out there though! Can't wait for May! Lake Powell here I come!
Yeah i feel you pain Martini! Its not quite 40 here in my part of PA. still low 30's but i think today will be our first day above 35 in a long time! So come on spring, lets get a move on. my boat is ready and my rods got new line on em. lets go fishing lol.
Right now its about 40 degrees here in CT. Spring can't come soon enough.
Yeah buddy! 35-45 degrees in Southwest Louisiana is ridiculous. I'm ready for the hot summer heat and sitting on a boat at Toledo Bend for 10 hours pullin em out of the water!
SOOOO close I can taste it. [cool]
We have an average of 50 Degrees all this weekend here in Arkansas so it's time. I plan to hit the Spillway tomorrow afternoon for some Striped Bass and Small mouth bass fishing from the rocks.

I usually will go fishing on any nice day when the temperature is above 48 Degrees in Feb or early March.

But I agree with everyone here. I can't wait for those 60-75 degree march spring days...