Everyone, I want to make you aware that my post was deleted about someone hacking into my computer from this site... I have asked to contact the owner from this site multiple times and know one has responded back at all... Moderators should know who the owner of the site is unless they are fake moderators... The virus came directly from this website...
They are trying to keep my mouth shut by deleting my posts and banning me from certain sections of this website... Anyone on here needs to be scepticle about this site...
Now for the other side of the issue. Your posts were moved because they were not about the subject you posted them under. Posts get moved all the time.
You have been contacted. Maybe not by the people you wanted to contact you but the moderators have tried their best to help you. Mods receive a big fat pay check of $0.00 a month for their work here so most don't know the owner except by his login name.
The site has nothing but your word that your problem came from this site. Nobody else has had your problems so there is a good chance it came from somewhere else. If BFT was going to hack someone's computer why would they chose yours out of the thousands of members?
You really need to take a look at the FAQ above, I've copied the first section but take a close look at the last paragraph.
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You as well as anyone else has always had the power to contact the owners of the site. There is a link at the bottom of this and every page to First Light Net, the owner. Here is their corporate contact page;
You have had many responses from several moderators and have continued to simply direct your abusive remarks and not respond to helpful suggestions. No one else has had the problems you claim to have, but even so we have tried to help you with your problem. You were given 'time outs' on boards for violating the terms of using this site - abusive language and accusations.
If you put half the energy into solving your problems as you do into accusations and tirades, I'm sure your computer would be running fine now.