Fishing Forum

Full Version: Anyone from Akron, Ohio?
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hey im new here...
just wanted to know if there is anyone from Akron, Ohio on this site?
hiya Joe and welcome to our site... you may want to post that question on the [url ""]Ohio Forum[/url] where you will probably find anglers in your local area..

welcome joe!!!!
[Image: happy.gif][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]Hi there Joe & welcome to the BFT forum. BTW here is a link to the [/#008000][/font][url ""][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]Fresh_Water[/#008000][/font][/url][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000] boards.[/#008000][/font]
Hello there, and welcome to the site.
Don't know anyone from Akron, but still want to give you a warm welcome to BFT.