[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Launched at south marina around 6:00pm. If you like your prop you'll be pulling your boat to the water company channel before letting it down. The mud is horrible walking. 16" - 18" of soft shoe sucking mud with a skiff of water on top. The channel going out to the main body of water is low. there is 5' in places but at the entrance to the marina it's about 2'.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]We trolled the north dike and scratched up a few wiper. We trolled down to the light pole and there was a flotilla of float tubes. Most of the guys were from BFT. They said things were slow at the moment but I curious to hear how they did towards evening.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]We trolled past after saying hi and picked up a few more wipers. Towards dark, we decided to move into the shoreline and try our luck casting toward the shore. We were fishing less that 5' of water and pickrd up several wipers until we could see out lines anymore. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]We could see the tubers with a light on as we left. I hope their luck picked up and they got into them as good as we did. The hot trolling lure was the Producer. The hot casting lure was a chartruese curlytail grub.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Going back into the marina was interesting in the dark. We had to pull it through the mud again. [/size][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Make mental note: If you know you'll be dragging the boat thru the mud, don't let anyone on that doesn't have shorts on....[/size][/font]
hi blm glad you got into them we never did only got two for the four of us i'll be going bck up and trying again soon i,m wiperless this year and that just ain't right did have four bites on a white spinner bait thanx for stopping by and saying hi
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Ya, I was half looking for you guys. Glad to have a passing moment of your time. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]There was a lot of surface activity along the shoreline south of you. That's why we decide to quit trolling and cast. Next time try getting off shore 50 - 60 ft and casting towards the shoreline or slightly parallel to it. They are moving in close and forcing the shad into shallow water to feed. It should be like this for the rest of the summer. Watch for the signs, such as surface activity and birds, especially the white egrets on the shoreline hunting shad too. [/size][/font]
Were you the guys to the South of us who were screaming and hooting like they never saw a fish before in thier entire lives [
]? Please say it isn't so [blush].
How where you guys working the curly tails? I was casting out a 1/16 jig with a white curly letting it hit bottom than reeling in very slowly. Kind of dragging bottom. Interested in knowing how you were presenting the offering.
p.s.: I was the guy in the green and orange tube that called you over.
You do not want to bounce on bottom if your wiper fishing. If you retrieving a curly tail. you need to start reeling as soon as it hits the water. and reel faster than you are probably use to working those kind of plastics. trust me it works. wipers like it fast and elevated when they are feeding like that. almost all the fish i mark out there are in 3 to 4 feet of water. so almost exactly half way from top and bottom in the water i have been finding them in. i also noticed more wipers hanging in the cold pockets of water on the lake. i know this because i was float tubing and could feel the dramatic temperature change in water. hope this helps.
Hey BLM,
How far did you have to pull the boat from where the boat started hitting the mud in the marina to the channel? Were most of the fish caught while you were trolling the deeper water(10ft or deeper)? WH2
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Let me see... We were the only boat south of you and we were catching fish in a hot bite. Yup, it probably was us hootin' and hollerin'! Do I have a tendency to get excited about fishing, especially when one of the guys in the boat has never wiper fished? Oh yea. When you make that perfect cast and the water explodes from beneath your lure do I get pumped? you bet. You know what the real kicker here is, there were three guys having the time of there lives and none of it was alcohol or drug enduced! When I don't get excited about fishin' anymore, it's time to put the rod down...[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Xman is exactly right with how you fish curlytail jigs on the cast. The instant it hits the water start retrieving. I like to twitch the tip during the retrieve to add a little more action. Vary your speed until you find the speed the fish like. Sometimes you can rip it and other times you need a little slower presentation. Let the fish tell you.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]WH2, you'll drag thru mud for at least 30 ft, depending where you are. My advice is to launch in the most easterly ramp and hug the bank as close as you can. Watch the current in the channel. When you step off that drop off in the channel, it's hard to hold the boat. We caught fish on the troll at all depths.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Nice report BLM. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]I'll be givning Willard a try Saturday morning and aagain Saturday evening. I haven't been out on Willard for over a month! For the first time, I'll be able to stay out there as long as I want because I have installed nav lights and, as you know, a bigger motor.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]My new 15 hp Merc get's it maiden run tomorrow morning at Pineview. I've done a bunch of remodeling on my boat and am prety excited to get the old coot back out on the water.[/size][/font]
Sounds like you had a good time BLM! I think I'm about done with Willard this year. Its too hard trying to push that trihull out by myself. I still have your hat also [
Hope the maiden voyage goes good for you Coot. Knock'em dead!
Great report. I can't wait to get back up to Willard this year.
Awsome response, just what I wanted to hear! It's easy to get excited when you got a group of guys together who enjoy fishing as much as you do. I'm alittle jealous haven't been in hoot and holler mode for quite a while. It's strange there was surface action around us just couldn't hookup. Probably the way I was working the grub. I'm going to give that method a shot. Probably going back today with shrimpboy. Good luck and keep knocking them dead, without killing them of course.
Man, all this talk about Willard really is getting me excited. I've always wanted to go up there ever since I heard they started stocking Wipers in there. I've caught stripers at Powell, and White Bass at Utah Lake, but I've never even seen a wiper up close. I'll have to make the trip up there someday. I live in Orem so its a lot farther for me than Utah Lake, obviously.[
Might want to hurry Just Trollin. Unless you have a canoe or shallow running boat there wont be a lot of water left in the marinas here shortly!
I am trying to convince polokid to take his boat up there and we will drag it onto the lake. Which marina would you suggest?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Take your pick. They both suck![/size][/font]