Fishing Forum

Full Version: BBass, February, CBA Tournament, 2-27-09, Fluke
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<br /> Tough day on chick! Cold, Windy, and water down the furthest I've ever seen it. <br /> <br /> Started out watching 60 plus boats work their way down a icy ramp and avoid messing up props with the low water level. Took forever but we finally got blasted off and looking for keepers. <br /> Teddy (Fluke) and I did have a small pattern worked out but we knew it was going to be slow and keepers would come here and there. We never could find a school of anything! Mainly fishing ledges with deep jerk baits and shaky heads seemed to work best for us. We tried shallow water but very few fish were found and none of them measuring. We ended up with only 3 keepers all day and placed mid field. <br /> Better days to come.