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Full Version: Blue Horizon (8-28 Trip)
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Sign Up For The Next Blue Horizon Trip:

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Hello Guys,

I just [size 1]received an email from George at [/size][url ""][size 1]ExtremeLures.Com[/size][/url][size 1] and he has agreed to be one[/size] of the sponsors on Augusts Blue Horizon Trip! George and [url ""]ExtremeLures.Com[/url] are great supporters of this site and I urge everyone to shop them first!

[url ""]ExtremeLures.Com[/url] has dontaed for give-aways and raffles the following items for our 8-28 Blue Horizon Trip (There will be more prizes and give-aways on this trip then the last, don't miss it, only 8 spots left):[size 2]

[size 1]12 Heavy Duty Megabait Saltwater Lures[/size]

[size 1]6 Metal Live Jigs (Albacore, Tuna, trolling, jigging, bottom fishing, versatile lure)[/size]

[size 1]4 4" Color 10,11,40[/size]

[size 1]2 5" color 18,10[/size]

[size 1]2 Sea Boz 6" (Trolling lure, holographic finish, up to 15knot trolling[/size]

[size 1]speed)[/size]

[size 1]color 10, 44[/size]

[size 1]1 Triple hooker salt water color 58 (runs 18" 24" deep)[/size]

[size 1]1 Jb-150 salt water 08 (Dives 2 to 3ft then floats)[/size]

[size 1]1 Pencil Popper salt water 10 (Top water Popper)[/size]

[size 1]1 Megadiver 30+ Color 11 (30 foot Deep Diver)[/size]

[size 1]4 T-Shirts[/size]

[size 1]12 Catalogs[/size]

[size 1]12 Stickers[/size][/size]
how long is the trip and how much does it cost???


Hi there theangler,

Kudos to you my friend. Not only would the trip be great to just go with the caliber of anglers that went last trip and all of the fish caught, now you have made the trip more attractive with all the goodies.

As I said, I'm on a club trip that date so I'm out otherwise....... If something happens to my ride on that date, I'm gonna have a fit.

Thanks for all your effort and for posting the good news.

Sign up for this trip guys, you won't be able to do much better whether you're a newbie or a crusty old regular.

Hello Guys,

DH, You can find the whole scoop at:

[url ""][/url]

It would be great if you could make it!

JR, We'll get you next time, I look forward to getting out on the water with you! Have a great trip, I'll look forward to reading the great news on your report.
is there a price for juniors?? if so, what is the cut off age?

dh_Tubin cousins, Glad to have you joining us!!!

Did you Dan H. Show air yet?
P.S. We still have 1 spot left on this trip.

[size 1]Sign Up For The Next Blue Horizon Trip:

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Check out Highlights from the last trip:

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did you get my money yet??? I sent it yesterday the 6th...


Hi again theangler,

What's your estimate on the departure date for the trip that will be after the 8/28 trip? If not now, how soon will you know? I should be able to make the post 8/28 trip.
September should be interesting down SD way.

From the pic of the Blue Horizon, it looks like they did some work on the boat especially around the bait tank.

Hello JR,

We would love to have you! The next one is Sept. 25-26.
CLOSED- THE LINE UP IS COMPLETE! THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A TRIP!!! Guys if you didn't get in on this one, get your spot now for 9-25 thru 9-26 [url ""][/url]

Hi angler,

Man oh man, can you believe that Blue Horizon? Carrying only 13 or 14 anglers the last few days, they've been getting awesome counts of 65 fish and 66 BFT respectively not counting the albies, yellows and dodo's... good grief! You guys are gonna have a blast. With all the BFT in the water, I'd be taking some 40 and 50 pound outfits for sure. Ya, I'm a light tackle guy.

I really look forward to seeing how you guys do. I'll be on the Aztec hoping the yellows bite somewhere behind San Clemente. ha ha

ah man... I am gonna be in trouble! [:|] my heaviest outfit is 40#. oh well... if i play my cards right, i'll get some fish.

see i'm new to this big game fishing. I am used to just fishing local and fishing the catalina. I'm pretty good at that, but I dont know about this other stuff. I think I am going to have to stock up on my gear.

oh well....i'll get by

Hello Newbie,

Welcome, The the crew is as good as it gets, and the boat is notorious for getting on the FISH! The galley cooks up some killer grub, and thier gear is top notch. The sleeping quarters are a little tight but get the job done.

You should have an AWESOME TRIP!! Good Luck!