I talked the wife into running up to Riggins for the day on Sunday. Has anyone been up there? How was it? I've only been up there once before, I usually fish Shoup but Riggins is closer and makes more sense for a day trip. Any particular holes to hit or not? All tips appreciated.[
I heard its doing good I drove past last week more people were fishing the big curve past the town. 1 hour longer you could be on the southfork clearwater that should might be getting better also.
Heres one of pokyfisherman last week [inline 094.JPG]
I know Riggins can get pretty crazy with people which is why i've only been there once. I usually continue up to the Clearwater. I'll keep checking around to see if the extra drive will be worth it. I'm sure the nice weather will have a lot of people out wherever I go. I was in Cabelas today and asked a few of the guys in the fishing department how Riggins was and they didn't know.
Wow thats a nice fish!!!
haha that was killer fishing trip
a little small, and I won't tell anyone you paid me to let ya hold my fish.
Haha, I should have let you hold mine, maybe then we would have had some pictures of you with some fish on this trip...