Anyone fished or been near the upper stillwater dam this year? I'm going up tonight to fish the river below it. ( I think it's rock creek) but I was just wondering how low it is now and what they might be biting on.
I asked this same question to Kayote, and here is the response I got back!!! This is about Upper stillwater.
"[size 1]I know one of the Bios in Vernal. He said stocked rainbows actually had negative growth there due to a lack of food. When they netted, the average weight was actually smaller a year after stocking. The problem is low nutrients to begin with, then the steep sides provide no littoral zone for primary productivity. It was a poor use of expensive catchables.
Kayote [/size]
[size 1]Due to this they have not planted fish in there for a few years now!!![/size]
The biologist report I read on that said rainbows don't do well but that there are lots of brookies in the lake. I don't know if that is true or not since I have never fished the lake only the river below. May give it a try anyway but thanks for the tip...if I ain't catchin anything I'll just run downstream.
I couldnt hurt to fish it, probably some nice size brookies hanging out in there!!! I have caught some nice size fish in rock creek itself in the past, I am anxiously looking forward to your report!!!
Where is Stillwater Dam?[

It is outside mtn home utah. Kind of by moon lake. The lake fork river comes from moon lake and the rock creek comes from the upper stillwater they both dump into the duchesne.
I'll have to try to make a run up there sometime
Just be careful where you go by the dam. It's been a while since I've been up, but most of the dam is off limits until they get those big cracks fixed. I know they are planning on fixing them and might be doing that this year. Last year it was a little spooky standing under the dam and watching the water spray out of one of the larger cracks.
From what I saw, there are maps at the dam of where you can go and where you can't, so it shouldn't be too bad. I didn't fish when I was there, and it was my first trip. Just had to go up with a local to show me where it was. Beautiful scenery. Enjoy.
Thats good to know...How are the roads up there? I heard they were a little rough... but then I might be getting things

between this lake and moon lake.
Most of the "mountain" roads out here are a little torn up. The gal that took me up there drove a Grand Am if that gives you an idea. They aren't that bad. Just a few pot-holes to watch for. The elk are moving down early this year. You will probably dodge more of them than the holes in the road. It is paved all the way to the dam.
Thanks, then I'll have no problems with my little subaru
Plan on a hike if you want to fish the Dam. I just got back and we decided to try Moon Lake instead since I didn't want to drag the kids on a long hike. but the river is gorgeous up there. If you are going to camp call ahead and book a camp site though, we got lucky since almost every camp site was already reserved.