The internet was down at the office this morning and it was such a nice day I thought I'd take the afternoon off and go hit Utah Lake.
I haven't been out on my float tube for a while due to an enormous hole in my waders. I located it and got it patched up over the weekend. When I saw the water temperature reading of 46* on my sonar I sure was hoping I patched the hole up well. Brrrrr.
Spent an hour or so out in 6-7 feet of water a few hundred yards off shore dragging a worm on one pole and casting plastics with the second. No luck. Came back in where a tributary flows in and had a good bite. I thought for a second that maybe I had just snagged a carp. Nope. It was my first walleye of the season!
Measured in at 19 inches. Not too bad, I thought. At least now playing hookie from work wasn't a total bust. I'm not much for eating fish so I let him go. Hope to get out again soon and find a few more!
AAAAAUUUUGGGGRRRRRHHHH! I was standing right there yesterday. not a bump... I love fishin..
Are you NUTS?
Walleye are GREAT tablefare!
Nice catch though!
If you're not gonna taste it, don't waste it.
Good on Ya!
I believe you may have just triggered the biggest rush since the gold rush. WoW; I was planning on one more week of hard pan; forget that. Game on!
Thanks; probably won't get any sleep for the rest of this week. Maybe I need to skip out of work.
lol Yeah, I guess I am. I hear they are tasty. I've just never liked any fish. I've never had walleye though. Maybe I should give it a try. I've always just enjoyed letting them go. Cleaning them, keeping them cool, and then having them stink up the car isn't very fun if you don't like to eat 'em.
Well if that's the case maybe I shouldn't have said anything. LOL
In reality though the fishing was pretty slow. I talked to a couple of guys on their way out and neither of them had any luck.
I don't think there is any harm. Those whom were planning on going already had their minds made up "fish or not" you probably just sealed their deal. That is one thing I like about this site; people share their tips and stuff. But none-the-less a person still has to get out and after them. In reality with the Waldos you could have caught a limit today and tommorrow; nothing. Every week I change my mind about three times before I finally decide where I'm going. A lot of times it just depends on how far I want to drive. It will take me quite a bit to get my boat ready by this weekend; so as much as I want to go more than likely I'll stick to the hard pan for one more week. But this is only the second time I've changed my mind this week, so who knows.
Nice catch well done!
How would you know! LMAO.
Let the games begin!!!!! [fishin][
] get it on Utah Lakers!!!
Your the man! Nice job, can't wait to get out there and try for a few of those myself.
Great catch glad to see some already[fishin]
that is just bautiful looking fish! thanks for posting now I really want to go fishing, too bad had arm surgery last week baaaad timing lol
congrats. can't wait to get out there this weekend
nice looking "eater" there...would LOVE to get a limit of them (mmmmmm....) the more the merrier.
Good job!! Glad you didn't horse it.
Nice fish! I'll be out on Saturday in my boat (I was already planning on it though) [
] If it isn't too intrusive, did you get him off the worm or jig? I plan on doing some marabou jigs and worms.
It took a regular old white 3 inch curly tail grub on a 1/16 oz. lead head.