Fishing Forum

Full Version: EricM, Chickamauga, Another big fish!, 3-5-10
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The new pacemaker/defibrillator seems to be doing a great job! It has am/fm/cd, cruise control, white walls and is a convertible - well actually it's a cardioverter, but close enough!!!! I'm still weight restricted (except for fighting fish and lifting them for the camera) for a short while, but that should end soon.<br /><br />I got out for a few hours to enjoy the sunshine, but the wind is still prettty sharp. I talked with cathooker and floated in circles trying to find some big catfish, but they eluded me. Only a smattering of small fish were responsive, but then I didn't leave the house until the crack of noon.<br /><br />To keep my new boat's record intact - catching a fish 3 feet long or so on every trip - a paddlefish sacrificed its dignity and allowed me to drag it in tail-first. They sure can pull drag that way!<br /><br />Here's today's pic: