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I hate Utah Lake.

Prompted by an eternal desire to fish soft water and by the recent posts on this site about the potential to catch the wonderful walleye, against my better judgement, I hit up UL with my wife and baby boy yesterday evening. After getting all my lines set up my beautiful wife tosses a pork chop spoon out into the murky shallow of the lake. On her second cast her rod does the classic slow bend to indicate she is hung up on a rock fish, except this time the rock fish pulls back. [cool][cool][cool]
Could it be, is this really happening to me??? The most cursed UL fisherman of all time who has never actually caught a fish out of that lake that wasn't a stupid mud cat, and who has donated everything from a strangers Ice auger to half of my tackle box to its shallow depths?!?!?!? After realizing she has a fish on, my wife starts cranking hard on her light action spinning rod with all of her might [Smile], only to be rewarded with a carp[crazy]. And to make matters worse, it was a big one! In an attempt to show our little boy the fish my wife lifts up on her rod to drag the carp on shore just as the carp decides he has had enough and takes off. SNAP!! Half of my wife's rod and the fish go merrily on their way. UL has won again, and taken more of my stuff[Image: sad.gif].

I only got one other bite on the bait rod the rest of the night and called it quits at about 6:30. On my way back to the car I passed another fisherman who informed me that he had had a pleasant afternoon catching crappie and perch.
I screamed inside, in fact, the other angler probably heard it through the frustration in my voice.
However, I will be back at it again on saturday, this time on my pontoon, If for no other reason than that UL has the only softwater around, that is somewhat close to where I live.
If any of you have any tips on how to break my curse, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
Thank you!!
I also have a UL curse. I live just a few minutes away from Utah Lake State Park, so I fish the lake all the time. I don't really lose a lot of tackle in UL, but for some reason, the first 5-6 times I go out, I get skunked. Last summer when I started fishing UL, I literally got skunked the first 6 times I went out. Not even a bite. This year seems to be starting out the same. I am 0-2 right now. Two times out... not even a nibble. Luckily, my curse only seems to last for the first few outings of the season. I almost gave up on the lake last year, but the lake is so close, I gave it more chances. I actually did pretty well after my losing streak was over. Maybe Utah Lake just needs us to "pay our dues" before it starts rewarding us. It sounds like the lake has already taken what it wants from you, so maybe there is nothing left but good luck for you[Wink]
More fish can be had during the warmer months. Fish become more active with the warmer water. Not that fish can't be caught now, but you really got to know the lake to have consistant success during the early spring.
Ive been fishing UL since I was a kid. The hardest fish to catch out of the lake is the walleye. I've even caught a trout out of the lake on carp meat. The last walleye I caught was 2 years ago on a windy afternoon in March. Im usually a great catfisher on every trip. But walleye its being at the right place at the right time. I love that lake and hate it sometimes. Good luck to you in breaking your curse.
May and June are good times to catch a lot of white bass on or near any of the tributaries.
Some of you guys offering advice are well intentioned of course, but don't seem to understand how curses work. Am I right Dfish?

I have a UL curse, too. My grand take in over a dozen trips there has been one bullhead and one white bass.

So, although I'm sure Dfish appreciates the sentimet and input. The curse basically dictates that he can go to a place where anybody can catch fish, and not catch fish.

All I can say is, I hope someday the water spirits see fit to lift it from you....
spot on springbuck! I just wish there was a way to make the nelle or strawberry ice out earlier, then I wouldn't have the only soft water temptation coming from a lake that hates me[crazy]
I have curses on both those lakes, too. I always catch ONE slotter at Strawberry, and without a boat, I can never access where I want to on Jordanelle and catch a bunch of chubs.
I have had that same curse, So i saved and saved the kids still tell storys about how they had to eat mac and cheese everynight for monthes. But it paid off. cause now im the proud owner of a 14 ft aluiminum boat. its not the best fishing boat but me and the kids have had a great time. And im know longer cursed. never trolled before last year. I think i caught more fish last year then the prevuse 20 years that i have fished. My wife now claim that she dosent fish she trolls.what a women. always pay attention to KSL very cheap boats on there. well worth it.
You have definitely been cursed beyond the usual 'Utah County team will never get in a BCS bowl' curse. The only cure this malady is to immerse yourself completely naked in one of the hot springs around the lake while drinking a Diet Coke with caffeine. Cover yourself in UL mud and wash yourself off in the lake to detoxify/retoxify yourself. Only then can your curse be lifted.
had a friend one time roll around in one of the ponds out there, Trying to catch leach's does that count.[cool]
get ahold of me in May and I will take you out in my boat and break your curse, I will get you onto Largemouth bass, crappie and decent bluegill. remember me in May
[quote night_flyguy]You have definitely been cursed beyond the usual 'Utah County team will never get in a BCS bowl' curse. The only cure this malady is to immerse yourself completely naked in one of the hot springs around the lake while drinking a Diet Coke with caffeine. Cover yourself in UL mud and wash yourself off in the lake to detoxify/retoxify yourself. Only then can your curse be lifted.[/quote]

Makes perfect sense. Here I've been using Dr. Pepper all this time. What a fool I've been![Wink]
And that's a good offer from BigBassaholic. I'd take him up on it, Dfish....
Yeah Big Bass i think I will take you up on that offer in May. I have heard that there are some great LMB in UL, and i would love to find out where they hide[Smile]. Thanks for being willing to help me get this curse off of my back. The rolling in the mud with the coke is a good idea too, but my wife might not speak to me for a weeks if i came home smelling like Utah Lake[Tongue].
any friday in May is great for me.. I work 4/10's so three day weekend every weekend for me...
Wow sounds like a tough day. I empathize with you in your frustration. Carp are literally the bane of that lake.

I've tried to catch walleye half a dozen times at that lake with no success. I am looking to try once again when I start hearing about some success from other anglers. As for other species go, I've always managed to do well for channel cats and bullheads, as well as white bass. I tend to fish the west side of the lake and around Saratoga.

Catching the cats is a no-brainer of course once the water warms, but knowing you as a bass fisherman, I don't imagine you'd find that very exciting. The white bass I've caught are usually on rooster tail spinners, small rattlin rapalas, and even kastmasters during sunrise and sundown on rocky points. I've also caught a handful of bluegill during the cold weather with small jigs up in the reeds and the docks.
going to try to knock the winter dust off the boat later this week. going to try utah lake west side maybe. I will post up some pic's when i get back. I hope to start the year off right on the soft water.
goodluck and let us know how you do....
I'm headed out to Utah Lake tomorrow FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! After reading this thread, I'm not to optomistic. I'm going with a friend who swears that he knows where the walleye are this time of year. So we'll see what happens.