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Full Version: 10 in 1 fishing buddy
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Hey guys
I'm hoping someone here can help me the other week my dad lost his 10 in 1 fishing buddy he picked up and Montgomery ward years ago. i don't have a picture of it but it was tan colored and include a knife scale fish scaler hook remover etc. it wasn't the best tool ever but my dad had a sentimental feeling with it. anyway does anyone know were i could buy something the same or similar or does anyone have one of these they willing to sell

thank for any help [img]file:///C:/Users/Mike/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.png[/img]
sorry to hear that your dad lost that tool maybe try ebay. or maybe so a search in old fishing tackle and see what you can come up with. sorry not more help but will keep an eye out.