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Ever notice those little green bugs?

I picked up some green nymph skin and built some flies for the River test
What you think?

[Image: IMG_2495.jpg]
looks awesome to me.. but ya need to quit doing this.. every time you post a fly like this I want to go out and get the material (after you show me how) and tie some up.. LOL...

is that black wire ribbing?

NO that is the cool part. I bought the green skin and wrapped the hook. I then took a BROWN Pantone (waterproof marker) and colored the back, but it ran between the wraps and I got this incredible segmented look.
Then there is THIN SKIN Black over the back of Black Ostrich Thorax. Easy tie. See how it works.
I have one of those crawling around in my fish tank! Cool fly thanks for posting!
ahhhhhhh a runny marker gives you a great seperated look.. and black thin skin to create the thorax... tied like you would a flashback pt nymph??

MacFly [cool]
You are getting so good at this!!!! Yes sir.
Ive got some master fly tiers that teach me well.. :-)...

is green the only color to use or could you use brown, or red, or maybe yellow or orange??

You could try the other colors...not sure what colors Nymph Skin comes in. I know Black and flesh. I have the flesh and I will be playing with it. I am betting it is going to ROCK on the Green as the Shammy one has been working for years...Never know...they are close to the same color.
the nymph skin I found comes in brown, black, lt brown, olive, yellow and caddis green.. but.. if you have clear couldnt you use the clear over different colored threads like you have done before??

MacFly [cool]

p.s. also found a cream and fl red.. :-)
The Cream is the flesh I guess. You mean like the scud back stuff over thread? That could be cool. I have done it with Larva lace, in fact the best Chironomid at a special lake was Olive thread covers with Larva Lace.
yes.. that is the one I mean.. where the color came thru wet the fly got wet.. :-)...

now.. another question.. just as a variation.. could you use dubbing instead of the ostrich ? Im just thinking about newbies like me that have limited materials.. black dubbing with the nymph skin pulled over it like a flash back nymph.. ??

MacFly [cool]
garenteed to catch fish..theres a simular version but in red and that works great,,yours is better..yes i like
You can do allot of different things which I will be trying. You can use the dubbing for sure, AND you can put a feather like Partridge, hen, CDL under the wing case like on a Pheasant Tail/Copper John.
You can put allot of weight and step up the size and tie for Czech nymphing.

Thanks Lurtch
I forgot to ask and I dont think you mentioned it before but what hook are you using for this?? maybe a 16/18 scud hook??

MacFly [cool]
Yes, but I did two in a #12 to see if the Carp like them.
hey... Im getting better at guessing hooks and sizes now...LOL...

Or me. I went to Fish Tech today to fill my stock of hooks and bought #18 and #20 scuds and Byron asked why such big hooks? He knows me too.[laugh]
does it make you feel eerie sometimes when you walk in a store and they have the product you want on the counter waiting for you .. because THEY know you that well.. LOL..
