A buddy and I have been over to the Gorge a few times this winter. Thought I would post a couple links to some poor quality videos I took on my digital camera. Just thought I would help get you all in the mood for fishing season!!!
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFeGnobfFA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFeGnobfFA[/url]
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtcuHOdGNO8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtcuHOdGNO8[/url]
Is that can of WD-40 in your boat the new killer Lake Trout scent ??? [


] Ive heard it not only catches the bigboys but also destroys the lake....
that is my cold blooded mercury starter! does the exhaust from my boat ruin the lake too?

Not a personal attack at all [pirate].. Ive seen more than 1 can of < WD> on that pond just an observation..
all wd40 is is fish oil.
I think those are a LOT better than amatuer videos. Nice fish and good music too!
Hey thanks for the great videos and those are some dandy fish congratulations FISH ON
good on ya i meet Clark last week what a great guy and have known his bro and nephew for yrs. after all the pointers i gave Clark I'am going to give you a couple pointer's.please take no offense just helping you out
# 1Get a good net. ya they take up room and that but watching you stick your arm off in there gills make's me sick. big time no no. you wouldnt like some one to stick there hand in your gills and pick you up?
#2 weight the fish in your new net easy to do and just take off what the net weight is.
#3 craddle the fish like a baby hold it's tail and craddle it be carefull not to drop it .you have seen what droping babys does to most of the guys on these boards i know my mom droped me and i aint been the same.lol.
lake trout are a stronge hearty fish but cant take a lot of ruff handleing just main thing is is use a net and that will help your fish handdleing skill's 100% good luck and we will see you guys on the pond.........Clark has my e-mail so drop me a line with any questions you may have Ash..
Nice Fish and Video guys! But take Fishleys advice on the net thing
] I even slide them into a netted bag when weighing them on the ice, never touch the gills if I can help it.
I appreciate the input! First let me say, I have always used a net and usually only weigh fish that I am planning on keeping. I took those videos my first couple times out on the Gorge and have since bought a large net and rigged it to weigh the fish in the net. I didn't go buy a net the first couple trips out because honestly I didn't think I would catch any big fish that wouldn't fit in my smaller net (22" opening on the hoop with a shallow rubber basket). I have sense made the investment and hope that doesn't jinx me from having to use the "big" net now. I would love all the feedback I can get!
Is there any chance of getting 3 helpful pointers on catching them so I can put your advise on handeling them into practice? [

Thanks again for all the input! I feel like I just finished kindergarten and am ready for the first grade as far as mack fishing goes. I have fished my entire life but never for lake trout. My first Gorge experience was Dec 2, 2009. I can't wait to feel like I am ready to graduate from elementary school and move into middle school! [

] I look forward to any other input and advice on catching lake trout! If anyone needs any good pointers on catching 12" to 16" planter rainbows, give me a shout, I have that down!!!! [

That looks like a GREAT day on the Gorge! Well done and thanks for putting up some good videos too.
I'm still waiting on some pointers....... Since no one was willing to give me 3, can I just get 2? I would even settle for 1 at this point [

oh yea, forgot to say, nice fish!
lol you will have to send me a pm with your questions then i will send you a pm back with some info [

]oh #4 never post the real secreat weapon on an open forum[

]allso get with Clark I educated him a little in the hr we bsed. other than that we will just have to hook up and snag some fish.......pointer 1 use good hook's like gamakatsu[cool]#2 91 miles of lake dont get stuck to swim and antelope.#3 never kill a big laker [sly]#4 Take a kid Fishing....................................................
Wow!! Above and beyond what I was even hoping for.... 4 tips!!! Thanks fishley, Clark told me you were the man! [cool] I can't wait for ice out so I can test my luck outside of swim and anelope... See you up there sometime I'm sure.