03-12-2010, 11:52 PM
with it being so nice i told the troops to vamoose and we cut out at noon. they went off drinking at the enlisted club, i went to the weber in Riverdale. Lunkerhunter2 met me down along the trail and we proceeded to catch the whole bag again.... my first fish was a dandy rainbow (camera is kaput sorry no pics today) then some nice fat brwons... i dont know what it is about down there, either there are no fish, or if there are, they are ALOT fatter then anything i normally fish. Lunkerhunter2 has tied into a big big brown in the hole we were fishing and we both hooked into him... him first and i saw it roll, it is indeed a large large large brown. when it rolled the second time it spit his fly. we switched spots and finally got into some more fish... he caught a beaut of a bow, a few whitties, i caught a few more nice browns then it was my turn to hook into the big'un and i did... he took line off my reel like it was a 000 weight. i had to run down river, well sprint ( side note, if you have ever seen my fat ass run its funny, but when im hip deep in water it must be hysterical cause lunkerhunter2 sure was laughing) to keep up with him... i got even with him and i felt him spit the top fly, and then the dropper hook him again ( = foul hooked). he took me through two rocks where he rolled and hung me and snapped my 4X. had ti hurry home or the GF was going to beat me up for being late. all in all a great few hours!