So when looking on line for directions to tie flys, I often see them using hackles that I cannot seem to find, or don't understand what they are.
For example this site:
says to use brown spade Hackle and Dark Dun Spade Hackle.
When I go look for these, I cannot find them. So how do I find them or know what I am really looking for at places like sportsmans, or cabellas. If I ask I have yet to find anyone knows what I am asking.
The larger feathers on each side of the cape are called spade hackle.
Does this help?
it does help, thank you.
So for this one i want to buy a brown hackle?? would that be the grizzley? And then a dun hackle?
Sorry I am still new to all this

No, Grizzly is stripped. Usually White and black but there is also allot of color Grizzlies. So, I will just say, what ever color and black stripes.
Dun is a gray, there will be light gray and dark
Brown will also be called Furnace.
Little tip, when buying the furnace, think about brown will be more versatile.
I would go into one of the popular independant fly shops in your area and have an expert help you. Within the same grade of cape quality varies . A bad cape is as bad as a road kill.
[quote GP]I would go into one of the popular independant fly shops in your area and have an expert help you. Within the same grade of cape quality varies . A bad cape is as bad as a road kill.[/quote]
Which one is your favorite?
I live in Ogden. I would go to Wade at Anglers Den.
Ask Lance at Cabela's. He is as good as they come. On the USA team.
It is possible to find a GOOD cape in the less price range, but you will have to look. I got one years back, not even sure where, and it is terrible even for Buggers.
If in the S.L. area, check Fish Tech or Western Rivers. I get most of mine from Byron at Fish Tech.
To start out with I would go with Hoffamn 100'S- then you are buying only a few- 10 or so- Paying a lot less- getting a quality hackle and can get a duun, a grizzley and a brown and not kill the bank.
You are correct- I didn't even look at the fly he was asking about- I read the next posts and just tuned into not knowing what he was buying-
Thanks for the good web site.
Thanks for the web site I could use all the help i can get[fishin]