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Full Version: Trip down to Fish Lake-3/13
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Decided to head down to Fish lake with the scouts and a couple other leaders Friday night. Thought we'd live large and rented a cabin to stay in. I always wanted to fish during the night up there and thought I'd rather brave the cold and ice then spend the night in a cabin with 8 boy scouts.

Headed out to the ice at about 10 o'clock with a couple other leaders and my ice tent. Drilled some holes, fired up the heater, and dropped the lines. Couldn't believe how peaceful it was out there. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and you could see every star out there. Not a breath of wind either. After about an hour and one 16 inch rainbow to show for it (along with about 5 misses) the other leaders called it a night. I caught another fish at about 12 and proceeded to land 2 more after that. They would come through about every hour and a half or so. Ended with two splake and two rainbows. It was a perfect night. Even had some coyotes come through at about 2:45 am yipping and yapping. They woke up some owls which hooted for about an hour.

Finally turned in at about six am to go help breakfast. Everyone was still asleep so I crashed for an hour. Woke back up and helped with breakfast and cleanup. Didn't make it back out till 9 am. The bite was in full swing. Had 5 of the boys and 3 of us leaders fishing. Ended at noon thirty with 14 trout (splake and 'bows) and 48 perch with about 10 or so that we threw back. Everyone fishing caught at least two fished and missed about a dozen bites. Only two of the boys had ever even been fishing. It was great to see all the boys get so excited about fishing.

The weather was great until we left. There was a little wind and a few flurries of snow for about 30 mins or so that morning but other than that it was perfect. The snow was crusted over enough that we didn't get into any slush.

Here are some pics.
Hey J
That is the best report I have heard in a long time. Really what else is there than making those boys Smile and get hooked on fishing. You could not have taken them to a better place. Some of them boys will remember it for life weather they ever ,make it out again. I like to go all out and do the101 fillet with them and cook them right up with my special seasonings. I use to fish it 3 days a week. I would get off the grave yard shift at 6 a.m. Pull my sled out. Hammer the fish. Take a nap on the bench. Get up and hammer the fish again for a couple more hours then head home. Them guys at the mine thought I was nuts. They just didn't understand the serenity of it all. Keep up the good work.
Very nice! Hope you guys had a electric fillet knife.