Fishing Forum

Full Version: reliable, chick, LM, 3/16/10, Holden-on
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Thought that it was going to be nice on the lake yesterday afternoon, made plans with Holden-on to take an extended lunch break on the water - Nasty wind and chilly temps made the outing somewhat less than pleasant. I threw away my plans to look for crappie as Holden is a bass fisherman, and still can't shoot docks despite hours and hours of watching me do it....Looked for bass for a couple of hours, only had one fish make it to the boat, a nice 5lb+ bass caught by Scott on a slow rolled blade off a rocky bank. Big headed fish, but the body was not filled out yet. A nice fish, but we were hoping for more than just 1. Had problems with the trolling motor, so left the water around 2:00, took the boat to fish-n-fun and headed back to work,<br /><br />Water temps 49 in CF, 50-51 in stained water in the main lake area