made it above taggarts at 0718 to a balmy 9F.... man it was cold. said hello to a few gentleman and gave them some flies and stickers.... ABSOF'ingLUTELY destroyed every where we fished. was none stop browns, browns, browns, and a few whitties. flies of the day for me were as usual a red copper john and something i call a red crystalline spinner. not really sure if thats the name, but something i threw togerther at the last second. i will post pictures when my buddy emails me them at work since i left my camera in the boat.
Your the man Bud!!!!! [

] Very quick learner. I'm very impressed. [shocked] I may have to give that area I fish!!!! I know you have fished a lot around Taggarts and above Morgan, so do you have any specific areas to try? PM me if you think it'd best. There's a lot of access points above, below E. of Morgan, and W. of Morgan. Actually I'm interested in keeping some whities and letting all the slimmers go if that helps. You can verify that from my recent posts. Anything new on flies for whities would help.[

I'm still dong w/o Sparky. [frown][frown][frown][frown][frown]
i really dont target any where specific except one place below morgan.... when im up at taggarts i do a TON of walking just looking for holes and trying my best to read read the water. all my whitties came on that new fly i made up out of nothing more then some silver wrap and gold tail, nothing fancy since im out of every thing else. the browns came off the john.