Hot Diggity Dawg [fishin] .
A few of my buddys went to Omer to see how the sucker fishing was going and the run is on bigtime !
An hour and a half saw 60 suckers landed , it is hot right now .
what they catching them on, worms?
use a number 4 hook and a crawler. hook em in the lip. [:p]
I heard tell some one saw a few a cople days ago in the river down here, but when I went to check, all I saw was cristal clear water all the way to the bottom of the river
they must be catching long nose or blacks, the only ones in my rivers are red horse and whites.
again today I saw nothing but crystal clear water all the way to the bottom.
maybe I will go find me a can of worms tomarow..
I did have some luck today, but not on the water, it was shopping, I found a small generator, "new" for a franklin and a new apple pealer and a new small rice cooker
They use 1/2" cubes of sponge on a small treble hook , bottom bouncing on the river bottom .
me and a couple dozen of my bestest buddies went on a 40 mile road trip today, we did not see a single fish.
I followed the huron all the way down to hamburg
nothing in the shallow lakes, nothing in the river, my buddies didnt even get wet...
we havent had our first spring rain yet, so I am wondering if maybe they didnt come up as far as they normaly would have, or maybe they are still waiting to come up.
which ones?oh yea they have only one round lip.[sly]
hey does anyone know if the suckers are running in the alpena area yet?
lol, one vacum cleaner hose lip...[laugh]
this is the report as of the 25th of march, it is second hand so dont hold me to it..
Alpena - Walleye, steelhead, and small brown trout were caught in Thunder Bay.
Thunder Bay River - Has fresh-run steelhead at the Ninth Street Dam. The boat ramp on the river is open. Walleye season on the river is closed.
Au Sable River - Is producing some steelhead.
Higgins Lake - Still has ice out past the drop off however ice along the shoreline is gone. Ice fishing is done as there is no safe ice. It could be a while yet before the docks are put in at the launch sites.
Houghton Lake - Also has some ice but no safe ice to report. About half the lake now has open water. The canals have open water and a few anglers have been trying to crappie however it is still too cold.
Tawas - Boats trolling rapalas have caught a few trout and walleye off the mouth of river. Pier fishing was slow with only a couple walleye, steelhead or perch taken.
Tawas River - The occasional steelhead and a few suckers have been caught.
Au Gres - Boats trolling rapalas near the mouth of the river have caught some walleye. Steelhead and brown trout were taken in the surf near the Singing Bridge. Most are floating spawn.
Au Gres River - Those fishing the East Branch have caught good numbers of steelhead in both the upper river and in the lower end of Whitney Drain.
Rifle River - The sucker runs are underway. Hook and line anglers are doing well from the mouth to Stoddard’s Landing, which is upstream from Omer.
I talked to the man today who knows what is comming out of the waters of oakland county, no white horse are showing up anywhere in the county.
the man I talked to was no one other than our local ticket giver...
speaking of ticket givers, look for another report from me to see the details