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Thought I'd share this nice brown my cousin caught yesterday out of the Sanpitch River. I've been fishing the Sanpitch over the past six months and although it's been slow I've managed to pull out nice sized browns. I normally like to take fish home for breakfast, but it seems like these browns are few and far between. We always let them go.
Nice brown, its good to see the short sleeve's coming out.
Good job on the kid. It's good you're releasing those special fish. Those river browns aren't any good to eat anyway.
One of my professors at Snow College kept telling me there were big browns in there. I just never figured out where to get access. I guess he was right. Congrats, that's a great fish.
Slippery buggers!!! Nice fish dude.
Based on your picture, the reason for the browns being far and few between is because the habitat is so poor...I would suggest getting active in the area with landowners and the DWR and see about improving habitat. The DWR's walk-in access program may be a good thing for this long as HB141 doesn't mess it all up!
The DWR does have those walk in access gates on the northern part of the river. But it would be nice to have them closer to where I live. There's a lot of cattle grazing and irrigation going on in the area though. Maybe I'll shoot them an email and see what they say.
Nice fish. That sure brings back memories from when I fished that stream back in the early 90's. In fact, I may have camped once in that very background.

It was hard to find access into that place back then and it sounds like things haven't changed any. One thing I found intriguing about the San Pitch: the further north we'd hike, the more Browns we'd catch. While southward closer to town was full of Rainbows.

Great little stream.