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It seems like there is a fair amount of representation from different parts of Idaho on this forum (particularly Eastern Idaho) and that is awesome - it is always interesting to learn about new areas. The problem I'm having is, I often have no idea what you guys are talking about. For example, around here, the "South Fork" is the South Fork of the Boise River and "The Narrows" refers to part of CJ Strike Reservoir. These generic names also apply to numerous other rivers and lakes in Idaho and, since we all seem to be trying to be helpful in general, I suggest we consider being a little more specific when making future posts.

By the way, I talked to the folks at the West Magic Resort today and Magic Valley Reservoir is still iced up.
How about Willow Creek?[Wink]
I hear the North Fork is going off!!!!! [Image: happy.gif]
I understand what you are saying. I just don't even think about the real name. We are lucky in Eastern Idaho to live next to The South Fork of the Snake and the North Fork ( Henrys Fork) of the Snake. It just becomes second nature to forget the rest of the name.
Since the North and South fork of the Snake are world famous, maybe we should only identify the actual river when we are on an off river. [Image: happy.gif]
agreed![cool] those two rivers are my romping ground has been since i was we lad!!!!
Whoa - easy there, my friendly neighbors to the east. Much, much respect for the Snake but I'm not sure if I'm ready to grant them the title of being THE "South Fork" or THE "North Fork" of Idaho. I want to hear from other folks around the state - is this how you view it?

Also, South Fork may not be the best example - it's the places like Willow Creek or Boxcar or the Cliffs or the Steps or the Three Rocks or the Upper Canyon or the Devils Playground that can be confusing. As for me, I going to hit the Big W this weekend below the campground where that semi ran off the road in '85. I fished it last year at this time and it was fantastic all the way down to Cottonwood.
I agree with you Untangler, and think you have a good point. I know that some are new to some of our areas or are just visiting. It is hard to find the "Third bend after Farmer Frank's spud field" on a map. [sly]

I live in and usually fish the southeast area of Idaho, but also travel to other parts. When local or shortened names are used it really makes it hard for me to search back through the posts for information on specific waters in other areas of the state that I might want to visit.
when i say Narrows i mean Oneida Narrows.... until i get familiar with CJ Strike this summer!
dont worry you dont have to approve of them being called the southfork or the north fork of idaho almost every body already does. [Wink]they are two of the most famous trout fly waters in the world. so they have already earned there title and position in the fishing community in idaho let alone the world.
This is a useful and fun thread. I remember a couple of years ago we discussed where the "Black Canyon" was. When I say it I am refering to the area on the Bear River around Grace. We found out there are about five "black canyons" in Idaho.

I usually check a person's profile to see where they are from and get an idea of what part of the state they are referring to. Unfortunately not everyone has their location on it. I don't know what the big secret or problem is that they can't put their location on their profile. [:/]
I agree with you. I like to see where everyone is from as well. Unfortunately I can't make people fill in their profiles. The company BFT only requires name and email for registration the rest is optional. I guess some people are just more private than others and some people have a legitimate fear of be tracked down by wackos. Hopefully when they find out that we are a good group of friendly people they will give us more info on their profile.

Very true were no worse than charles Manson, Jeffry Dahmer or Ted Bundy and even if we were we fish so that makes us OK [fishin]
I tend to look at profiles too.
But I must say when I hear South Fork the last thing I think about is the Snake. Salmon, Payette, Clearwater and Boise come to mind first.
North Fork - I always think off Boise, Payette, and Clearwater.
Silver Crk? I'm sure the one I speak of is hundreds of miles from the one most think of.
So depending on ones fishing area and methods, I can see where it can be confusing. I'll try to do a better job!
I have a problem specifying the rivers myself and have become Confused also at times reading posts. The most recent one I read was on Steelheading and someone said the best place to fish was in the canyon. The canyon to me is from Ellis to about 10 miles before Salmon. What the poster was meaning tho I think was some where below Shoup. In this case even the river name itself would not have been enough information to distinguish the correct place. I know people do not do this intentionally. A lot of it comes from most people are use to talking to their friends face to face and everyone in the conversation knows what river they are talking about. When it comes to the internet, people tend to leave details out because typing is so much slower than speaking and also with all the abbreviations that have come around lately due to texting and cell phones, people just forget some of the minor details. I will also try and be a little more specific when describing a certain area.
[quote windriver] where the "Black Canyon" was.[/quote]

haha when some one says black canyon i automatically think someone is talking about the Black Canyon of the Gunnison in CO
So do I. I am in Utah and have never heard of the South fork of the boise... sorry. Google "south fork" see what comes up. hahaha. Those easter idaho waters are way better.... sorry.
So I tried to Google "south fork" and didn't get the same results. For ID - South Fork of the Payette came up first but it was on page 13 or 14, same as the Snake. The first 13 pages was South Forks in PA, IA, CO, CA, etc.. Does Google refine the searches based on your profile and prevuious searches? Seems like it may. Tried Google Earth and only came up with S.F., PA. Now if you Google S.F. Fishing Report it comes up about 90% Snake - but most are outfitter/guide web sites.
Theres only one "South Fork" and thats the South Fork of the Snake. All others are just wannabes. People come from all over the world to fish it. People don't come from all over the world to fish the South fork of the Boise.