Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jofly, chickamauga, Large, 3/24/10, superbad
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Me and superbad let out at possum creek and made a hard left turn. While i was rooting the birdnest out of my abu sx superbad landed about 4 or 5 on a flat sided crank at 3- 5 foot. We left that spot and headed toward the channel and cut to the left and did some shakey head action on the shallow shores by the docks. Most of the fish that took the shakey head were in 5 foot or less. Superbad got the most, 4-5? ( I lost count trying to adjust the reel, Superbad got it set for me eventually) However I got the big boy of the day. 3.5 Looked more like five to me but the scale dont lie. Good day superbad, and thanks for the boat ride!!!!!!!