Anyone heard anything about the Villa's Derby yet? I spoke with them earlier in the year and was informed that registration packages would be sent ou Mid-March. Well, we're past that and still nothing. Just wondering what's happening.
We (kochanut and I) were wondering as well. I posted on the Wyoming board and someone said it may be scheduled for June 12th and 13th. If you hear anything different please let us know.
June 12th & 13th, that's funny.[:p]
im pretty sure the tourny on the 12th and 13th is the buckboard derby.
Its is May 15 & 16 this year
I don't fish either one of them, I fished one years ago that the Hub ran didn't much care for the way it was ran so I never went back. Smoke on the Water and I are registered in a different tourney on the 12th.
I spoke with Dirk from the Villa this past week. Forms were being mailed out this week. I would imagine that if you were a team captain last year, you should see something in your mail box soon.
The tourney is set for May 15th and 16th.
Thanks Mark, you saved me a long distance call! I knew it was scheduled for May 15-16 but haven't seen any registration forms in the mail but I got my campground reservation confirmed. Yes, I was a team captain last year and still nothing today. Maybe tomorrow?
Yes, I got mine also at BB. Im not the TC but We will have ours in soon also. Waiting patiently !!!!!!!!!
I will be up to FG on the 9th,10th,11th of Apr. Gonna give them the stick!
We might be heading up there next Friday? It all depends if NetBoy (Steve) wants to haul all his toys up. He wants to set his Taj MaHal up for the season and wanted me to drag his vessel along too. He was supposed to be pulling it out of winter storage last Friday so it would be it's maiden voyage next weekend. I guess it all depends on this fickle weather we're having lately?
YEa I heard he was going to keep it up there all Summer. Will be staying in it for BB tourney with him and Tom.
AHHHHH the Taj..... Almost to nice to stay in for fishing.